愛知県立大学 特別講義 英語連続セミナー


Max Kwak[名古屋米国領事館 首席領事]


Max Kwak[名古屋米国領事館 首席領事]
America: A Land of Opportunities for All


スペイン 2年
[TITLE] America
I was very surprised to hear that Mr. Kwak spoke so many languages fluently. I thought it was wonderful that he had learned not only language but also culture and history of each nation. Also, I respect him because he enjoys what he does. I want a job that I can enjoy, too.
フランス 2年
[TITLE] Consulate of the United States of America
We have a chance to get a lot of information about the world and languages. We have a chance to create our own future. I learn French in university now, but I want to learn other things about France and the world and so on. I think combining knowledge can helps to realize a better life and have bigger dreams.
スペイン 2年
Thank you for a good presentation. Next year in August, I will go to England for studying English and learning British culture. Now I go to"the Nagoya Kokusai Center" every week for planning my stay overseas. So today, I'm glad to hear your story.
英米 1年
I'm very surprised by today's speaker. Because I listen to VOA everyday. That program is my English textbook. I learn a lot from it, such as American history, science, medicine and economy. I wanted to hear about negotiation techniques. What we should pay attention to, how we can achieve our purpose. Anyway, today's talk was very interesting!! Thank you for everything.
ドイツ 1年
I've always had only bad images about the U.S., including high crime rates, excess fast food and consumption of many things. But today, seeing the video brought by Mr. Kwak, those images changed. I want to go to the U.S. to see those big waterfalls and hot-air balloons in the sky!
フランス 2年
[TITLE] Consulates of the United States of America Nagoya, Japan
The first pictures were very good because all of the different races of people smiled. There are many different races of people in the United States. So I want to go there and to talk with a lot of people. Mr. Max Kwak's French pronunciation is good! I want to learn more and become like him.
ドイツ 1年
[TITLE] Achieve My Dream in America
I thought America gives us many chances to achieve our dreams. America has an image of being very dangerous. However, I want to visit it, but I don't what to live there. But, on the other hand, there are many chances which we could get in America.

Thank you for your very interesting lecture. And you are a really fantastic person because you can speak many languages.

英米 4年
Mr. Kwak mentioned that America is a country of opportunities. However, I think that America has changed since the 9/11 attack. After the terrorism America has been conservative, getting closed to people who try to realize their dreams in the country. I don't know it was because of the government's policy, but I hope that the situation will improve after the president-elect, Barack Obama, is inaugurated.
フランス 1年
[TITLE] Principal Officer, U.S. Consulate Nagoya
I think that the Japanese tend to consider foreigners to be a breed apart. But American society is extremely opposite. When I saw "Sex and the City" in the cinema recently, I became interested in N.Y. And I liked Disneyland as a child like this. American society gives us many emotions! Moreover, America produces many cultures.
英米 4年
"Many people from many countries live in the States, and are proud of being American citizens". It was a very interesting point from his story. And I agree with this. I made a lot of friends from many countries while I was staying in the States: American Koreans, American Chinese, Taiwanese, Half Japanese-American...it was very difficult to find a person who was not mixed. I really liked this part. Also the States has a lot of opportunities. That's what I loved about the States. I miss it...
スペイン 3年
[TITLE] Friendship of Japan and America
Mr. Kwak is very pleasant, so he is like a father. It's a rude expression, so I'm sorry, but it's my positive impression. Mr. Kwak, like a gentle father, said a nice phrase. "Please be a millionaire who has money in the brain." I keep the phrase in my heart. I'm grateful for the position of student and for my family. Because we have a chance of being a millionaire.
英米 3年
Mr. Kwak spoke very softly and his facial expression was very gentle. I think that as a spokesperson these qualities give him a great advantage; the job represents the country, so one's speaking habits are important aspects. I intend to visit the Nagoya American Center, but the opening hours are short. It is difficult for me to manage to go there since I work during the daytime. Hopefully, sometime soon I'll be able to visit it.
スペイン 4年
I had a pretty good time and the lecture is very interesting. I understand Mr. Max Kwak's feeling when he was asked "Where are you from?" although I'm Japanese and it's easy to answer. When I went to South America and to the U.S., many people asked me where I was from. Or they said I was form China. I'm proud of Japan and I love Japan. I wonder if the people who live in the U.S. are proud of their motherland. How they feel?

And I was very happy to hear Mr. Kwak's speaking French! It was beautiful and sounds like music. Thank you very much.

英文 2年
Today, I was well impressed by the guest speaker's lecture, because he is very lively and a person of great ability. I thought that his words "I can test myself in different areas!" are full of positiveness. He is interested in various things, for example, French literature, Japanese and journalism, and so on. So I also felt my interest rising in what he said, I want to try something new like him! And as he does, I want to learn about foreign cultures, languages, societies and foreigners' policies! So I was persuaded that we are learning another language not only to be able to speak it, but also to understand better about culture. I also like French, so I want to try to speak French.

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最終更新時刻:Wed Nov 26 17:31:37 2008