愛知県立大学 特別講義 英語連続セミナー




Health Behavior Change for Life-Style Related Disease Prevention


Fortunately nobody around me smokes, so I have never worried about enforced smoking. However, the cafe where I've recently started to work part-time allows people to smoke. They smoke while they're having their coffee and cake. Perhaps they know that smoking is bad for their health, but I wonder if they have ever thought about the possibility of ruining other people's health or their good time at the cafe. I wish more smokers could be conscious about people around them.
Now that many people know smoking is bad, the places where they can smoke continue to disappear. We can tell it when we think about the limited smoking space in our university. But I had some questions in this class. First, how could you say that everybody wants to survive for a long time even by stopping smoking? Maybe some people would choose smoking over surviving for a long time.

Second, would smokers regret having smoked if they had lung cancer? Maybe it depends on each person. What I'm trying to say is that we also have to consider this problem from the smoker's point of view.

In Japan, a lot of people suffer from passive smoking in their daily life. Although smokers may feel good, smoking cigarettes is very annoying to non-smokers. So, I wish that we couldn't find a smoking area anywhere. I felt happy when I heard of a government plan to raise the prices of cigarettes from about 300 yen per pack to about 1,000 yen. If the plan materializes, many smokers will be forced to stop smoking. For people, cigarettes must be vanished.
Some of my relatives smoke, so I worry about their health. Now in Japan, we have an anti-smoking boom. So, I want them to ride a wave of the boom and give up smoking. If so, I don't have to fill my lungs with side-stream smoke! I'll be healthier. I pray for the health of everyone in my family. Health is better than wealth!
I've always thought that lung cancer should be caused by smoking, which made me wonder: "Why doesn't my grandfather have cancer even though he smokes very much everyday?" Today, however, I realized that the other elements of one's lifestyle are also related to the health of people. My grandfather has a good way of life: he gets up early, goes for a walk, eats three times a day and goes to bed early. I think this is why my grandfather doesn't get cancer. I want him to continue this routine and live a long life.
英米 3年
[TITLE] Health Behavior Change for Life-Style Related Disease Prevention
I often lack attention to my health because I am very busty and I think I am health. However, from today's lecture, I noticed how unhealthy I am: short sleeping, not having breakfast, etc. Today, I also learn that cancer, especially lung cancer by smoking is a very heavy disease and has a high risk. I'll never forget the picture of the lung which is stained by nicotine.
英米 1年
[TITLE] Changing Life Style
There are many people who smoke cigarettes, and I've heard that passive smoking is more harmful than the person who smokes in person. Whether we hate cigarettes or not, we have to inhale smoke if smokers are around us. I strongly think it's not plausible!
フランス 1年
[TITLE] Life-Style Related Disease Prevention
Thank you for your interesting speech. Today, I heard really hard, and understood than usual! I understand that changing life-style is very important; tobacco is absolutely bad, we need much sleep, and so on. This speech made me think about my life-style. Maybe, I need much more sleep.

Finally, "Vocabulary Help" was very useful. Thank you!

フランス 4年
[TITLE] Health Behavior Change for Life-Style Related Disease Prevention
I was surprised that the tax for tobacco is 56% in Japan. I smoked for two years, but now I don't. I have played futsal, indoor soccer, for four years. When I was smoking, it was very difficult to run. But now, I can run easily. So, I don't want to smoke any longer, and I have to take good sleep for my good action in playing futsal.
英文 1年
[TITLE] Health Behavior Change for LSRD Prevention
His lecture is very valuable for me. I know the real dander of smoking. I think that smokers should know the real horror of the relationship between smoking and cancer. They should take care of their and their family's health. My father smokes everyday, so when I come home, I tell him not to smoke strongly. I'll never smoke in the future.

To enjoy my life, I will take care of my Life-Style.

英米 2年
[TITLE] Health Behavior Change for Life-Style Related Disease Prevention
I am a night-school student. I work during the day, usually from 10am to 2pm, then I go to school and I come back home at 10:30pm. I have breakfast everyday, but I tend to have a meal a day because of this irregular life. Moreover, I do not have enough sleeping hours. I would like to improve my life-style a little at a time.
英米 1年
[TITLE] Health Behavior Change for Life-Style Related Disease Prevention
I could reconsider my life-style, thanks to your lecture. I don't have enough time to sleep and do things I want because of my study and part-time job. And I never have breakfast every morning! It is because I couldn't get up early...

In addition to this, my family and some of my friends smoke, so I'm an enforced smoker. I wish we could prohibit people from smoking perfectly someday.

児教 2年
After taking this lecture, I became anxious about my father, because he smokes a lot. Maybe my father's lung is like that picture. It is terrible. Always I tell him "You should stop smoking." But he doesn't stop it. My grandfather died because of lung cancer. My father know how terrible lung cancer is. But he keeps smoking. Tobacco has a strong power. I never smoke. For ever. For my health and people who are near me. I enjoyed this lecture. Thank you for an interesting lecture!!
スペイン 2年
[TITLE] Health Behavior Change for Life-Style Related Disease Prevention
I enjoyed today's lecture and learned many things from Mr. Ogawa. One thing I learned is that prevention of the disease is much cheaper than treatment. There should be more movement for the prevention, not just in the hospitals but also in our daily life. I think raising taxes or using interesting posters such as "Kiss a non-smoker. Enjoy the difference" is a very good way to prevent diseases. I think it will be very interesting to gather people's ideas of what we can do in our daily life to prevent diseases.
英米 1年
[TITLE] Health Behavior Change for Life-Style Related Disease Prevention
Today, we heard his lecture about Life-Style Related Diseases. My brother sometimes smokes in from of us, but I haven't told him to stop doing it. I know it is bad for us now, and it is bad for pregnant women, too. We must make him stop smoking. Because our neighbor has kids and his wife is pregnant.

I have to wake up early, but I can't do so every day. Everyday I'm trying and everyday I'm failing. What do you do to wake up early?

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最終更新時刻:Wed Nov 26 17:31:37 2008