愛知県立大学 特別講義 英語連続セミナー




大山守雄氏 ((財)エイ・エフ・エス日本協会理事・事務局長)
Responsible Global Citizens Working for Peace and Understanding in a Diverse World


Spanish Studies, 1st year
[TITLE] As an AFS returnee...
I went to Australia 2 years ago as an AFS student. Although it was a short program, I had a really good experience and learned a lot there. I also could make so many friends not only Japan but also in the world through AFS programs. As an AFS returnee, I want to work as a volunteer and help AFS students in the future.
English, 4th year
[TITLE] Discovery
I'm quite impressed by the fact that they focus on "Discovery." If you want to get an English skill, you can just study in Japan and we can even have some chance to talk with native speakers in Japan. However, to go abroad brings us so many experiences and we can discover a lot of things.

I hope they will encourage a lot of students to go to various countries, especially the countries except the Golden 5.

Spanish Studies 2nd year
I didn't know about AFS at all until I attended this lecture today. I wish I were 16 years old!!

Anyway I think that it is never too late to start new things including learning foreign languages even though we need more time. Whenever we want to start is the best time to do.

English, 4th year
[TITLE] The Worldwide Opportunities
I had heard the name of "AFS" before this class because one of my classmates in high school had been to Thailand for a year. However I could know more about AFS today. I think the best aspect of AFS is to provide students with opportunities to go to developing countries. It is much easier to go to English-speaking countries, but this kind of organization is rare. I hope that AFS makes a clear goal and continues to provide the worldwide opportunities.
English, 3rd year
It's amazing that so many famous people in Japan are AFS returnees. I also think it is getting more important to be able to speak more than 3 languages. Personally, I am learning Korean now, so I wonder if they have a branch in Korea as well.
British & American Studies, 1st year
[TITLE] Interesting Project
After I listened to Mr. Ohyama's presentation, I became interested in host families. Now I'm not a high school student, so I can't participate in going abroad, but I can participate in becoming a host family and staying with foreign students. If I can stay with foreign students, I can get in touch with foreign cultures and learn so many things. So, if I have an opportunity, I want to apply for this project.
British & American Studies, 4th year
[TITLE] Shall We Have Real Peace?
Exchanging cultural knowledge can bring peace to the world; however, that's not true of the whole earth. There're many regions or nations fighting against one another today. We have to think about the world with a broader perspective for the better future. To achieve this goal, we have to know more about ourselves and exchange ideas across the globe to create "real peace" in the world.
Spanish Studies, 3rd year
[TITLE] Studying or Working?
Studying abroad gives us a lot of experience and knowledge, but I think it's better for young university students to work abroad. Some of my friends went abroad to work or volunteer in foreign companies or organizations. They told me how wonderful their experience was because it was not for fun but for business. These days, it's not difficult for us to study or travel abroad, but it's not usual to work in other countries. So, I hope I'll be able to work abroad during my university days.
Information Science & Technology, 3rd year
[TITLE] Students with Host Families
I've never been overseas, but now I want to go abroad and learn English. Ironically, however, I wouldn't go abroad because of my little confidence in English! So, I admire students staying with host families. I think their courage is amazing!
British & American Studies, 1st year
[TITLE] Through Experienced the School Days with AFS Student
I was really surprised when I read through the red book which was given us before the class. There was an essay which my friend had written. His name was David. When I was in Toyota Nishi high school, he came to my classroom and joined our class for about a year. I didn't have interest in AFS before because I thought it was a bit difficult, but through today's lecture I'm interested in being part of a host family.
English, 2nd year
Mr. Ohyama said that he talked with his host mother before she died. She told her son to tell Mr. Ohyama to call her.

I was moved by his speech. I hope I will have good relations with my host family when I go abroad someday.

German Studies, 2nd year
[TITLE] I love AFS
I went to Germany on AFS's program. This experience changed me a lot and gave me so many precious things.

My way of thinking, how I communicate with people, how I see this world, these things inside me are mainly based on my 1 year in Germany with AFS. I'm very thankful and still supporting the idea of AFS.

English, 4th year
[TITLE] Intercultural Experience
I went to the States when I was in high school on the program that YFU offered. As Mr. Ohyama said it was hard but one of the best experiences I ever had. I wish I could go back to those days... I want more people to experience what I did. It's awesome.
British & American Studies, 1st year
[TITLE] Good Experience of Studying Abroad
My friend's family was the host family of a student from Australia. They had great difficulty in communicating with him. So I think being a host family is a very difficult task. But, the students can learn the culture and language of the country which they study in, and host families and even host school students can have good experiences. Mr. Ohyama said the number of students studying abroad was decreasing. I want many students to study abroad.

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