愛知県立大学 特別講義 英語連続セミナー


David Brooks氏


Mr. David Brooks (トヨタ自動車グローバル調達企画部第1プロジェクト推進室)
Build Your Future with English


英米 3年
It is so interesting to me that there are many English accents and I was encouraged by the words "there is no single 'natural' or 'correct' English."

I think it is great that people from many countries communicate in a single language in one office, and at the same time the thing would let people think about their mother language.

ドイツ 4年
[TITLE] Build Your Future with English
It was difficult for me to distinguish the pronunciations. I realized that the most important thing is to make my message clear. Sometimes, I'm ashamed of making mistakes when I speak or write English, but I'm going to try to use English!

And I want to improve my English ability, especially listening ability. I'll listen to as much news or many movies in English as possible!

英米 1年
[TITLE] A Strong Will to Speak English
I really enjoyed today's quizzes about accent! I didn't know there are such great differences between England and Northern Ireland in pronunciation. And I'm really encouraged at your story that you made progress in your Spanish in one year. Moreover, you are also as good at Japanese as us because you achieved JLPT Level 1! I feel all I need is a strong will that I want to speak English well and fluently.
英米 1年
[TITLE] Importance of "Speaking" English
Learning only from books is not so useful in daily life. Knowing many jargons makes no difference if you can't communicate well enough to be able to use them. What I see in Japan is English learners being satisfied with only the results of exams. I even see my classmates reply only with "yes" and "no" in the communicative class. I feel really sad to see that because it makes me think that they don't care about developing their skills. I hope all the people studying a language will be brave enough to communicate by it.
スペイン 2年
[TITLE] Is There Such a Thing as "Perfect English"?
Usually Japanese try to speak perfect English in perfect grammar. Although they pay much attention to grammar, they can say something which doesn't make sense. What I learned today is "there's no perfect English." Even people in UK speak English differently in each region.

When I speak English, I don't care about grammar much. However, when I try to speak Spanish, I always get scared of making mistakes. Today, the lecture of Mr. Brooks changed my attitude. He told us that the most important thing for communication is to make our message clear. I was very happy to meet him! I thank him very much for the opportunity.

英米 4年
[TITLE] As a Business Person
His presentation was quite clear and encouraged me to practice communication skills in English. It has also showed me the efficient way of presentation that I want to acquire.

I will make sure that my career needs English not to be a teacher but to be a business person. In the next class, I would like to ask his boss how I can negotiate with the human resources to get a position to work in the international market.The most helpful phrase in English is "Don't be afraid of using English even if it's not perfect."

スペイン 2年
[TITLE] Diverse English Dialects
I was surprised when I listened to a diversity of English dialects. Though I had known that there were some English dialects, I didn't think the difference was so big!

Mr. Brooks says that the point of speaking English is not perfect grammar but making our message clear. I love to study English, but I always hesitate to talk with native speakers of English. I want to put myself in any place where I have no choice but to use English. I'm going to travel abroad next spring, so I'll try to talk to foreign people without hesitation.

英米 1年
[TITLE] I Got Self-Confidence in Speaking
I heard some non-native speakers of English. Their English has their mother-tongue's characteristics. I was very surprised but I got self-confidence to speak in English. I am always worried about my English. I always compare myself to a native speaker or returnee students [children]. I am reluctant because I'm poor at English. But I don't have to be!!! I have to study more by having confidence, which is given in this class. By the way, I want to work abroad, so I have to make progress in my speaking ability. Also, the other students in this class have great English ability, I have to follow them. I'll do my best.
英文 4年
[TITLE] Language is Made for Communication!!
When I was in Vancouver, Canada, I met a lot of people who immigrated from overseas to Canada and also students from other countries. They had their accents so sometimes, especially during my first month, I could not catch what they said. However, it made me realize that language was made for communication. At first I could not be satisfied with the situation because there were so many non-native speakers. But now I can say it was a really good experience.
英米 1年
[TITLE] About Language Ability
His lecture was very easy to understand and very interesting. To improve my ability, the most important thing is to communicate by speaking English and to approach English speakers.

It was impressing that he said that the most important thing is to say something that you want to say. I am afraid of making mistakes. It makes me feel ashamed. But without mistaking things, I won't become a good speaker. He said that we need not use perfect English. I thought that if I really want to be a good speaker, I must do something. For example, go abroad. I felt that my motivation is lacking. I must think again about my goal.

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