
愛知県立大学 特別講義 英語連続セミナー


  • 講 師  Maria Vassileva
  • 演 題  "Is pessimism shortening your life?- The genetics of ageing

英米 2年
Thank you for your presentation. Today’s topic was so specific and difficult that it was difficult to understand. However it was so interesting for me because I have a lot of homework and a part time job. So I can’t take a rest. I feel stress everyday, and it has been piling up day by day. But I think I can live happily, because I have friends who can talk about my worries. And I have cats and they’re very cute. They are healing in my life. Animal therapy is good for everyone who has worries. I recommend you touch animals. (maybe you already have them.)

英米 2年
Thank you for your presentation today. I was really impressed by your braveness when you married your husband. I think Japanese people are more negative regarding international marriage. So I think you had many hard times being his wife and memorizing all the Japanese traditions. It is hard to get used to different traditions and cultures, so I really respect your braveness. Next time when you came here as a speaker, please bring your handsome sons with you, too!!

英米 3年
It was really interesting topic to discuss, and I found many new facts which made me surprised. First of all, as she mentioned, most cells divide only 50 times, and DNA is going to be shorter when it divides. Unfortunately, high stress shortens telomeres, and what is more, long time active stress hormones accelerates aging. I was really scared because now, people are living in a high-stress society, and it is inevitable to have stress. How can we cope with it? she told us “Optimism is key” and I noticed that enjoying my life makes me happy and slows down aging at the same time!

ドイツ 2年
Thank you for your lecture. Recently, I learned mindfulness meditation so it was really interesting for me. But I think it`s not the usual way to be relaxed in Japan. All of us, especially women, want to show themselves beautiful as they are. However in society there is too much stress because if we live in Japan we have to read person`s mind without saying their feeling and unfortunately it`s also thought to be beautiful. As we get accustomed to SNS world there may be more options to be relaxed.

国際関係 1年
Thank you for your presentation. I was surprised that stress and a pessimistic mind will influence our aging . before I searched about gene therapy for my presentation and there is a person who said, “I became younger than before.” The way of therapy was stretching her telomeres. I don’t know if we take this therapy, whether we can feel we could be younger or not. But I feel this kind of therapy has big risks. So I will try to have a healthy life and keep my mind optimistic. And I don’t want to pay lots of money for suspicious gene therapy to live longer.

国際関係 1年
Thank you for your interesting presentation. I was very interested in today`s topic because I have loved biology since I was a child. Here are some questions. First, how much money is being spent nowadays on aging studies? The study of aging and immortality has a relatively long history since the 20th century, and as often, some people argued that if you spend that money on other problems like poverty, you can save great number of people, but many celebrities have been investing. Second, how do iPS cells relate to aging and immortality? Renewing cells constantly is a key to not aging, and if so, we can live longer by using iPS cells when the many limits, for example, costs, are solved?

看護 1年
I’m a member of nursing studies, so I thought I can get knowledge that is already I know, but I was very wrong. I didn’t know the telomea length relates to aging. However I could understand most of the system using my nursing knowledge. I was so surprised teloma can extend. I don’t want to get old faster so I want to exercise, relax and so on!! I learned Razalus’ stress. We have not only one way of coping but also other ways of coping. Today’s lecture reminds me of this and told me the importance of reducing stress. The other lecture told me you should manage the life and make time if you don’t have time. This lecture and today’s lecture were related I think. I’ll use various knowledge and live wisely and like myself!! I want to be optimistic lady.

I think there is a lot of hype right now about self-improvement. On youtube or Instagram a lot of people want to tell you how to live your life. Sadly this has become more and more commercilised and in this process, different kinds of advertisement XXX to create XXX in your lifestyle that here XXX really there. In this point science, like youpresented, becomes important. To distinguish between what’s really important (optimism, relaxation) I think a lot of people have positive experiences with the basics you mentioned. So it is interesting to hear some science about it.

After this talk, I’m sure that everybody, including me, is worried about stress and living less time but is the thing that we have to focus? In our daily life, we have to confront a lot of obstacles and stressful things and we don’t have choice, there are things that we have to handle and keep our way. But the question here is, what we should do? Of course, solve that problem and go on, after, that, we have to show to the world that the things that stress us are nothing but part of the life, and then focus on our hobbies, projects, family, friends, and any other things that make the real important thing in our lives.

Reviewing our priorities, re-educating ourselves and having some changes to our lifestyle are necessary in order to bring ourselves back from the well of stress we`ve sunken into. The world is way too fast though for us to manage a minute or two to do so. Being disciplined enough to reorganize our schedules and sensitive enough to notice we must do it is what seems to be lacking in us. Still, it is good to hear how my generation, besides still being absurdly stressed, is taking the step forward and looking for help, whether from a therapist of from new hobbies and other types of “breathing escapes”. One thing I`ve notices though is how previous generations have been seeing us as weak people and spoiled kids for not fighting against the bad times “by ourselves like it used to be back in the day”

