
愛知県立大学 特別講義 英語連続セミナー


  • 講 師  Coordinators
  • 演 題  Introduction

英米 2年
Through the class, I learned that the stress and sleep are connected directly. As some graphs show, if we don’t have enough sleep, we tend to think in a negative way and that causes big problems. For instance, we may have some illness, or we may injure ourselves by some accidents. Moreover, we may have lower self-esteem if we don’t get much sleep. I came to think that I should sleep more in order to be in good health and try to deal with some problems in a way of mindfulness.

英米 3年
I really enjoyed listening to the talks. I had studied in Canada for about a year, but actually I wanted to study in California. It is a great place to spend time because it has beautiful beaches, wonderful restaurants, and amazing people. So, I was interested in UC Berkeley, as Chris introduced it to us. I’ll visit there this winter vacation for sure.
I usually sleep about 6 hours, and I thought this is normal for students. However, according to Josh’s study, we have to sleep 7~9 hours to keep our health. I want to seek a way so that I can sleep for more than 7 hours.

フランス 2年
Today I heard wonderful memories of California from Chris and useful research about sleep from Josh. First of all, Chris’s memories during summer sounded so fun. That is because he told us his favorite places in his hometown such as “sunny boat”. If I have a chance to go California, I have to visit there. So, I wish it would be there until I go. And I have to eat Tacos and Vietnamese food too!
Secondly, Josh’s research was interesting for me. I do not get enough sleep everyday, but I know the time that I have to wake up, so I wake up at the time I should every morning. On the other hand, my little sister has difficulty waking up almost every morning. I meant that if she has something that she is excited for, she can wake up by herself. She goes to see a doctor for that, but she can’t wake up well. When I and my parents call her to wake up, she is awake, but she cannot wake up. My family worries about her so much because she will become a high school student next year and work someday. We are looking for a good way for her in order to improve her sleeping. If you have any idea for that, I would like to know.
Finally, I was happy that I got to know many new things such as Chris’s summer vacation and Josh’s wonderful research. I am going to take everything from today’s lecture in my life.

ドイツ 2年
It’s a lucky day to listen to a talk about Chris’s hometown twice. I understood more information about this city. I wanna go there! And, recently I’m worried about my sleep and health of my heart. Because, last year I worked hard (3 or 4 days per week) and this month we have a big dance event. So I slept at 3a.m. and woke up at 7a.m. It’s not healthy I know but I had to earn money study my major and practice dance. After 1 month later, I had depression for everything and got really low score in university. So your presentation is really interesting me. I wanted to listen last year’s me about your presentation. Nowadays I slept more than before but not good enough sleep. How do I improve me sleep when I feel stress? Is it impossible to sleep deeply at the same hour?

国際関係 1年
Thank you for your interesting presentation. I could understand how important sleep is to decrease our stress and to make us have good health. However, there are two questions about your topic: first, how does sleep link to stress? I’m interested in the mechanism of these things, and I also think if you explain it to people, they will easily understand the importance of sleep. Second, does not sleeping enough cause damage to our body directly? How so? I’ve read some books that say human beings can repair body damage while they are wake and sleep mainly affects our mental health. Is that correct? Is there another way we damage our body aside from stress when we are not sleeping enough?

教育発達 3年
Your research was so interesting. I had been to America as exchange student. One day when a teacher talked about sleeping of Americans, I noticed Japanese people sleep little compared with other foreign people. However, I think we should not say just “Japanese people should take a sleep more”. Because we have different cultures and habits from other countries, For example, many students in Kendai live with their family, so they have to wake up very early instead of sleeping more. Additionally, many colleges students have to do a part time job for a long time to make money. So I think we should consider our environments and cultures to solve the sleeping problem of Japanese people.

I really loved now Chris talked about his hometown and California. Besides Silicon Valley, I didn’t know much of this state. But seeing now Chris was enthusiastic about sharing his memories made me feel curious about UC Berkeley, and about California in general. The joy he had is the best way to give people the will to discover new places and meet new people.
What Josh said made me realize now sleep is a big point in somebody’s health. I knew from a TV science show that sleep is an important thing, but I never thought that lack of sleep could lead to such problems as low self-esteem, depression or injuries. I can’t say that I will go to bed earlier from now on, but I’ll definitely be more careful about the time I go to sleep, thanks to him.

I really thought that both talks were interesting in their own way. First, I want to thank Chris for talking about San Francisco and California. The reason of this lies in the fact that recently I met family that lives in North Ridge, so the some aspects that that really made me nostalgic. Also, in the case of the Silicon Valley and your hometown I think it would be good to study a little bit more how this affects people’s lives and also how it can affect the student who live near the area. Now Josh, I really like your talk because it was simple, straight forward, and easy to understand, I think it is really important that we raise awareness in society of how sleeping is good for our health. I think that the use of apps (like the one you mentioned) is how does it improve what we look forward. Does it really work on a long term or just a short term?

The talk hit where it hurts, so to say. I’m pretty sure that sleep and stress issues apply to almost every student, and while I was aware of that and faced them before getting into uni, I never knew just how much impact they could have even on my daily life. Last year I experienced this frightening correlation for myself - studying hard for the finals and getting little sleep. Being stressed and worried about keeping up with my perfect grades ended up with me failing the last exam due to a very stupid mistake I’d never usually make, but I was too brain dead, got a B and signed up for retaking the exam, AKA a miserable birthday and New Years. I did get my A in the end, but since then I’ve been trying to be more careful about the amount of sleep I’m getting. While on this topic, another thing that is quite important for dealing with both sleep and stress issues is changing the attitudes towards grades in general. I know first-hand that being an A student is nice but being a mentally stable student who doesn’t get panic attacks from getting a B is better. Thank you for your talk. I hope it spreads awareness.

Your investigation is really interesting. However, I’m thinking about which method did you use and how did you choose students? I agree there is a relationship between stress and how much you can sleep. As a result of this relationship, many problems could happen. It’s important to sleep enough. I’m a person who sleeps at least 8 hours every day and I feel I have more energy during class and feel happier. However, before I used to work and study at the same time. I felt tired and when I was doing homework I usually slept, and I couldn’t understand well what my teacher was saying. So, it’s important to sleep enough.

