
愛知県立大学 特別講義 英語連続セミナー


  • 講 師  Maria VASSILEVA
  • 演 題  Food and Mood

歴史文化 1年
Thank you for your presentation. Your presentation theme was a little technical, but you explained using an easier way (making examples, etc) for us to understand, so I could get new information. I like sweets, but too much sweets are not good, so I should be careful about eating too much sugar. But when I’m tired or want to inspire myself, I often have chocolates. Then I can concentrate on doing something. Chocolate is great for many people. Through your speech, I noticed that food and mood have a direct connection.

英米 1年
I love to eat chocolate and sweets. When I am tired or depressed, I often eat sweets to reduce stress. Also, I sometimes buy snacks or sweets in convenience stores instead of cooking because I live in alone. Sometimes I don’t eat a substantial diet, but I cannot stop eating them. However, I understood how sugar affects our health today. I have come to realize that I had a bad habit. Therefore, I should find another way to reduce stress, and even if I’m busy, to cook, and that I will make a light meal.

ドイツ 2年
I really enjoyed her presentation. From her talk, I found that it is important to take food while considering the balance. Even if we take good food, too much good food is not good for our health. So, I have to care about my daily diet. Also, I haven’t known that the form of food is related to absorbing nutrition. That means we have to care about not only what we eat but also how we have (ingest) food. This discovery is interesting for me! I would like to think about my health from now on and try to have a good diet.h

Thanks a lot for your presentation. Today’s topic was called “food and mood” and during the speech I got a lot of interesting and important information in a way that was very easy to understand. Firstly, now I know more about my body and know if works and a large amount of examples makes that really understandable. Secondly, it helped me to start thinking about what I am eating everyday. The fact that I heard about food and products, this changed my mind. Finally, it was pleasant to gain information from a pleasant person, making our moods better and inspiring us to do something great.

Dr. Maria Vassileva’s speech was really interesting to listen to. Despite the subject being quite complex, she explained it in a way that was very easy to understand. Being able to know more about how my brain works and how it works with sugar intake was good. Also when she told us about the difference between real food (i.e. apple, rice) and products (i.e. chocolate, a bag of chips), I think it was very positive because now more people will be aware of what they consume and be able to recognize what the food industry can do to its consumers.

