
愛知県立大学 特別講義 英語連続セミナー


  • 講 師  Chénier LA SALLE
  • 演 題  Canada – A Country of Cultural Diversity

英米 1年
Thank you for talking about Canadian cultural diversity. I knew almost nothing about Canada not even the capital city, so your talk was very beautiful for me. I learned a lot of new things. First of all, I felt that Canadian people are very open and generous towards immigrants. What I was surprised by the most, is that 82% of Canadian people agree or have positive images about immigrants, and many of them believe immigrants have a positive effect on Canada. That is why I thought I would like to visit or study in Canada if possible. In addition to that, it was so interesting that 87% of Canadian people are proud of themselves. I thought this is one of the reasons why Canada is called one of the wealthiest countries. I wanted a little bit more about the immigrants' school life. I have studied in Australia and many foreign students studied in the same room. I really loved your speech. Thank you so much.

英米 2年

In today's lecture, there were a lot of things I learned for the first time. First, I was surprised to hear that the major cities are located close to the border with the U.S. and it's because of the climate in the North. I didn't know that and I was convinced by his explanation that there are more Europeans than Asians in Canada, so it was unexpected that the proportion of Asian immigrants is bigger than that of Europeans. Last, when I saw the pictures of the cabinet, I thought Canada has more women than Japanese cabinet. From his presentation and the answers to our question, I thought that women in Canada are more free and equal than Japan and Japan should follow Canada.

フランス 2年

I know that the Canadian official languages are English and French but I didn't know that school education is conducted in both languages. After I listened this lecture, I found out that Canada is one of the largest countries in the world but the population of Canada is a quarter of that of Japan. That's why I think Canada has a lot of natural beauty like Niagara Falls and Prince Edward Island. And I also learned Canadian people are very proud of their country and the natural beauty. I think it's important for us to cherish our country. So I feel we should have a spirit of patriotism like the Canadian people.

国際 1年

I've studied about Canada in a class about world history when I was in high school but I don't know about Canada in detail, for example about immigrants and immigration laws. In fact, the history of Canada is more complicated than I thought. Especially about immigrants, the situation has been widely changed in 20 years. I didn't know that. In Japan, I don't have much chance to know and to be concerned with immigrants. Japan is a country that permit people to emigrate, however the number of immigrants is very low. As he said, immigrants can be good for a country. So I think Japan should consider about immigrants more deeply because the number of immigrants in the world is increasing.

国際 1年

I really enjoyed listening to Mr. La Salle's presentation about Canada because it reminded me of many things I experienced when I was there. As he said, Canada is a multicultural country that has diversity of culture and background. In Canada, when you're on the bus, what you hear is not only English. I wish the Japanese were more used to foreigners like the Canadians. Moreover, I think it is very amazing that we have a country like Canada which is flexible in accepting differences, while the right wings are getting more attention because of all the conflicts that are going on in the world

国際 2年

I didn't know that Canada was a country with so much diversity. As Mr. Chénier mentioned, Canadians are more open-minded to multiculturalism because of their long history related to immigrants, new cultures and different people. I think that we have to not only admire the Canadian way of thinking and dealing with diversity, but also try to apply it in today's Japanese society. Unfortunately, there are still many people that are exclusivist in Japan, only education can change the situation. So, I hope the Japanese government can learn from Canada and make a more comfortable country to live in for everyone.

看護 1年
I was very looking forward to listening this presentation. I lived in Toronto for a year. I experienced it a lot there. First, I went to a "pride Festival". There were LGBT people and they really enjoyed themselves. I had not ever thought about LGBT issue. Toronto is a good place for LGBT people. Second, Canada is very multicultural country. When I got the subway I could hear talking people in Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese etc… They have each countries' customs and religion. Sometimes I heard and saw religious problems on TV, but when I lived in Canada, I never heard about them as they get along with each other. They must respect other people. We should have feelings like this. I love Canada. If I have a chance I really want to go there again.

看護 1年

This presentation was very interesting. I could get new knowledge about Canada. Before I took this class, my image of Canada was that there is many beautiful nature and it is a cold place, but my image was changed by this class. I learned Canada has many immigrants from various countries and the nation accepts them. Now, an exclusive principle is seen in many country. For example, America and England and so on. So I thought such countries including Japan should refer to Canada, especially Canada's experience in which the consciousness of the nation changed. I learned Canada is very warm country to different cultures and foreign people, so I came to like Canada more and I thought I want to go to Canada.


Canada is as we learned, an idyllic place to live. But this raises a lot of question: If a place like this is possible, how is it possible for other countries to do it that wrong? Not just in the political way, but also the social way. The integration and care of their own people, regardless of if they were born in the country or not, this makes me jealous because there is a possibility in my own country that I don't know if they are going to achieve this. It is frustrating to see a world of possibilities in an idyllic example, but know that it is almost impossible to force follow it due to the way we are. Still, I hope one day we can stop feeling this way and be able to be in a world of full integration.


I got a better understanding about Canada after this presentation. There are so many points that appealed to and surprised me so much. The good health care system, from which there are no people who have died for the simple reason that they can't afford the medical expenses is really very attractive. I suppose, since I am Chinese. In China, the situation is that only affluent people can get good health care, using their private money. Even though government tries to take some measures to help the general people who have general social status and don't have so much to afford private medical treatments. But there are still some people who can't accesses due to financial problems. I guess maybe this is also a crucial reason why so many Chinese people choose to immigrant to Canada.

