
愛知県立大学 特別講義 英語連続セミナー


  • 講 師  Erik Olson-Kikuchi(名古屋インターナショナルスクールアドミッションズオフィス)
  • 演 題  Benefits and Drawbacks of an International School Education in Nagoya.

英米 1年  
This really had an impact on me because I personally know a lot of people who just studied and got into a university just for the sake of their international background. In my opinion, most schools should encourage students to follow their hearts and know what they really want to do rather than getting swayed by other people’s opinions. We spend 12 to 19 years of our lives learning at school, so it’s one of the major factors that affect and build our personalities and our well-being. We should be aware that every single choice that we make could change our lives.

英米 2年
I knew that international schools existed, but I wasn’t very sure of the differences between normal public schools and international schools. It was very interesting for me to know and learn about the differences. Some of the aspiring teachers, including me, can incorporate this idea into my teaching. I became very motivated because as Mr.Oison-Kikuchi said “Being an independent is a mindset”. So I think if we put our hearts into it, we can make Japan not just a multicultural nation, but an intercultural nation as well.

フランス 1年
I’m glad that I got a chance to listen to Erik Olson Kikuchi’s talk. I used to go to the international school while I lived in a foreign country, so I had many things that I could agree with him. For example, he said students are encouraged to pursue their passions, goals and dreams, and that was exactly it. Teachers in my school were never negative and gave me advice. I learned so many things about different cultures while going to the international school. I thought intercultural understanding is an essential school part of living with others in the diverse world. Also, having a wide perspective and accepting differences are important too, I think.

フランス 1年
I enjoyed his speech so much because I’m interested in “Global citizenship” when I was fifteen, I went to England to study abroad. I experienced a lot of things that we can’t experience in Japan. At that time, I sometimes faced new situations that I had never encountered before in Japan. To tell the truth, I had some incidents I couldn’t understand. However, I tried to understand them and I enjoyed my stay in a foreign country. I thought the feeling of trying to understand other people made me happy and would get rid of some conflicts between two groups who have different cultural backgrounds. Now I’m majoring in French. I want to understand the French people more than now. And I want to be a global citizen someday.

ドイツ 1年
It was a really interesting and deeply thought-provoking speech. I think it is important for global citizens to have curiosity and interest each other. Indifference always causes many problems. Consequently, thinking deeply is also very important. We should know not only the outline to problems but also the background and reasons that problems have occurred. And, we should share our problems and opinions with each other.

情報 3年
There was a statement from student about learning foreign language being one of the requirements to be a global citizen. But I agree with Eric that foreign language can help, but mind set is more important. I have been living in Japan for 4 years and I also experience “cultural intersection” where I became more Japanese-like than Indonesian. But, rather than thinking “intercultural“ as the intersection between countries, I prefer to think of it as the intersection of culture at the level of the individual. For example, among Japanese there are many cultures too. Being intercultural is not only essential for being a global citizen but it is also essential to live as part of society.

情報 1年
Today’s topic was very interesting and deep for me because recently, I’m wondering whether Japanese education style is good. After his speech, I felt the education I had was very boring. His word “Japanese education is to pass the test” made a very big impact on my mind.
              By the way. I learned the meaning of “cultural”. Many people have the goal to speak English well, but to be international, our mind is important. English just helps our communication as a tool. So I have decided to know about the world by reading, watching news and trying having own ideas. Finally, I’d like to discuss and think about a big topic with my friends.

I loved to hear about this kind of amazing schools in Japan. I always hear about how difficult and stressful it is to be a student in japan, it generates a lot of polemic in Europe’s education’s view, but now I know they have the chance of a different methodology. I think this kind of school is the most necessary not to grow up like a worker, but like an emotional equilibrated and critical thinker and these facts are the most important to be a strong person who can adapt to any situation and follow a dream.

Today’s speaker Mr. Olson-Kikuchi, told us about his international schools. Also, he was talking about global citizenship, but that part of his speech was not very clear to me. But there were two things that caught my attention. Firstly, the way they teach their students at that their school is amazing and extremely interesting. Mr. Olsen-Kikuchi said that the main goal of their students is to achieve their dreams, not to pass exams. It seems really important to me. Moreover, they teach not about cultures, but about what happens when they mix. In my opinion, this is the right approach to the cultural issue. I’m really impressed. 

Thanks for your presentation. It was very interesting and I have learned a lot regarding intercultural teaching. Before note in this class, I thought that being international was only to teach different cultures to children in order to know more about them and be aware of them. But now I realized that it’s about how to merge different cultures and live together, and how they can comment into a global citizenship. That was very educational for me, as a person and as a teacher. Thank you!

