
愛知県立大学 特別講義 英語連続セミナー


  • 講 師  牧 寛子 (文部科学省教科書調査官)
  • 演 題  How I Changed My Teaching Style and What I Did for My Students

英米 2年
My first impression of Mrs. Maki was that her English was clear and easy to understand. Afterwards, I noticed she used to teach at high school. At first, I felt weird pretending be a high school student when we did the warm up, but her lecture was so good that I started to enjoy the warm up. I was just so impressed by her way of teaching. I used to do a part-time job as an English conversation teacher, so I wish I could’ve used her teaching skills! I was also surprised that she now works at Mext and chooses which English text books are appropriate for Japanese students. I hope the English level in Japan will get higher and higher!

英米 1年
I, myself, focused on learning communicative English while I was in high school. I couldn’t find learning only vocabulary and grammar alone interesting, so I played a lot of video games online. I made English-speaking friends, made flashcards of the words that I came across while playing games or talked with friends. It surely helped a lot. Most importantly, it was really enjoyable. I had a good time talking to a person I didn’t really know as an activity today. Thank you.

中国 4年
The way of teaching shown in the lecture was ideal, and I truly agree with this method. However, some schools are still practicing the old style of teaching especially in those schools that high-level students go to. I hope someday this new teaching style will be practiced in every school. Also, the university entrance exam should be changed to fit the new style of teaching.

英米 4年
While listening to what Maki Sensei was talking about, I was remembering my student teaching experience this year. My teacher told me to conduct the class, 70% student-centered, which was the hardest part of my student teaching. Of course, I gave my best effort to make the class as student-centered as I could, but in the end, I realized that the students themselves have the ability to make their class active enough. Maybe, what teachers have to do is to believe that the students can learn by themselves.

スペイン 1年
I really enjoyed today’s presentation because it was a little different from usual and we had a lot of chances to speak with our partners in English. Also, Ms. Maki’s presentation reminded me of my high school English class because there were many things that were alike, such as having conversations with partners in English or making an impromptu speech in English. From Ms. Maki’s presentation and my high school English class, I really thought it is very important to speak, read, write and listen in order to improve my English.

フランス 2年
Today’s class is different from the usual class because we talked with new friends a lot. I think that we could participate her lecture. I was very glad. And now, I am studying “how to teach Japanese” in this university. So, I was interested in her lecture. Sometimes, there were things that I knew or learned in other classes. So I enjoyed this! I want to be a Japanese teacher in the future, so this class will be a reference for me. I want to model her lecture and her ideas as a teacher of languages. I enjoyed this class. Thank you!

中国 1年
I learned many things from this presentation. In the English class, I always read the English sentences in the textbook and I only listened to my teacher’s English. So, I didn’t speak often. However, she said to try to speak and don’t afraid of making mistakes. I am always afraid of making mistakes. For example, I worry if the grammar is correct or not. But, from now on, I will try to speak more positively because my English skills will improve by speaking and explaining my ideas in English. Also, I learned that I need to have imagination today. I didn’t realize that it is important for me, so I’ll try to use my imagination more in the future.

英米 1年
I think her way to teach English by letting student using English to describe a situation is very good! I wished I could have had her classes when I was in high school. Only writing or reading in class is boring and not well-balanced in terms of improving English ability. You should meet the four areas of language activities. It’s a good way not only to improve the English skills but also to enjoy the class. Speaking is interesting for me. The saying, “好きこそものの上手なれ” in Japanese, means enjoying English is the first step to improving English skills. I think this class was very useful for me! Thank you very much!

英米 2年
Thank you very much for your presentation. As I am planning to be an English teacher in the future, Ms. Maki’s advice was so useful, and I would like to include more communication activities in classes when I teach English. As she said in her talk, the “student-centered” class is really important especially if it’s English. Although teachers need to teach grammar rules and words for entrance exams, having English activities is still necessary, and the skill will be needed in real conversations in English. I think by doing it, students will be more interested in English, and as a result, their study for entrance exams will also go well for sure.

国際関係 3年
The way Ms. Maki teaches now is very appealing to me. English classes now and before in Japan usually focus on grammar and translation too much, so students might do well on entrance exams. However, it doesn’t mean they can practice their English in real life. Learning English grammar and vocabulary systematically won’t add to your English conversation skills. I’ve met a lot of English non-native speakers from other parts of Asia who don’t speak correct English, but nevertheless they are very talkative and always express themselves with what English skills they have. The difference is the opportunity and initiative to speak in English, I guess.

