
愛知県立大学 特別講義 英語連続セミナー


  • 講 師  三須茉莉子 (ドリームスカイ名古屋空港サービス部)
  • 演 題  Cross-cultural Understanding and Human Communication

英米 2年
Actually, I’ve taken her lecture about operation staff in another class in the spring semester, but it was the first time that I heard her own experience of working. In an international society, it is important to understand national characteristics, and respect with culture of each country. So even if I could speak English or other languages well, I would not be able to work in a “global society” without trying to understand people from other countries. I found out that a lot of staff cooperate to fly airplanes every day. Finally, I was surprised that she started working at 5:30 am because I am always in a dream at that time of day.

英米 2年
Since I have an interest in working in an aircraft related company, it was such an honor to hear a talk from Ms. Misu. When I heard the story about Rome. I noticed how difficult it is to work with people from different cultures. The words “Do in Rome as the Romans do” makes sense because of her talk because it is important to follow another country’s rules and culture. We have to accept it. From Ms. Misu’s talk about Rome, I thought that she really had a hard time working with people to find a solution to the problem in Rome. It was such a wonderful opportunity to hear a talk from Ms. Misu!

フランス 2年
Today’s topic is very interesting for me. Because I want to work in an airport in the future. So there were a few things that I already know, but there were so many things that I didn’t know. I didn’t know that there are many jobs in the airport such as those on her power point. And I wondered why, in Japan, there are fifteen people to clean the seats on the aircraft, but in Rome, there are only three staff. I thought that these things were standardized by the rules. Lastly, I was very impressed by her final message for us. I think that I want to catch a chance myself, and I want to my dream come true. Thank you!

スペイン 2年
Today I could know that there were various posts in the airport and the contents of the job of the flight operation staff. Now I don’t know what I want to do and what I want to be. I want to do the things that I want to do. But it’s difficult for me because I don’t know what that is. So first I want to find things that I like. I think through the experience my life will become fantastic like in the words of Ms. Misu.

スペイン 1年
It was really great to hear today’s guest speaker’s presentation and there was a lot of helpful information for me because I am interested in some jobs related to airlines. It was my first time to hear about the job which is called “operation staff”, so it was very nice. I got to know what kinds of things they do. Also, I was really impressed with the last message that Ms. Misu said. Like she said, I thought I want to make my life wonderful on my own.

フランス 2年
I’m interested in because I have used Centrair and will use it in the future. I know that there are many types of jobs in the airport, of course including operation staff. But I didn’t know the operation staff work in English. And they have to remember many things and advise others in English, so I think the operation staffs’ work is very hard and I respect her. And I was surprised that she has enough free time. In my mind, the work of the operation staff needs a lot of time and power and is very busy. It’s good to have free time. Finally, I think her working life is great because she chose her job (not cabin attendant), and she enjoys her work. I want to be like her.

フランス 2年
In my daily life, I do not have lots of chances to think about cross-cultural issues on human communication, and they so not sound familiar to me. However, because of her presentation, I think it is really important to understand other cultures by making more foreign friends, talking to them, and to knowing much about them. Her experience is really valuable and it will help me a lot when I go abroad in the future. I would like to be a person who relies on everyone and is relied on by everyone, as she said.

中国 2年
Speaking of jobs at the airport, all I could come up with were “ground staffs” and “cabin attendants.” After today’s lecture, I came to know about the aviation field more and more. And the experience that Miss. Misu shared with us was quite interesting. There were so many adventures and totally unexpected incidents, but I am sure all of them must be a treasure for her. And also as she mentioned “Do in Rome as the Romans do”, of course it is a good saying when you go overseas. But I think it may be hard to do it when it comes to some situations regarding religion or characteristics of a notion. You have shown respect to others.

国際関係 4年
By listening to today’s presentation, I could understand some of the jobs at the airport. Ms. Misu said even between Japanese, it was difficult to communicate with others because they all have different opinions. So, I think it is very important to be the type of person who trusts somebody and who can be trusted in return as she said at the end. And also, I think the skills of problem solving and giving your own opinion are required for any situation.

社会福祉 1年
Thank you very much for your presentation. When I was a child, I often watched “Attention Please” on TV. I think that the airline’s staff is the dream job for every girl. So, I’m happy to listen to the Ms. Misu’s presentation. When I lived in my family home, I didn’t have to decide anything. However, now I live by myself, so I have a lot of things that I have to decide. However, I want to choose what I want to do. Finally, I was moved the words, “Make your life fantastic by yourself.” I won’t forget these words.

