
愛知県立大学 特別講義 英語連続セミナー


  • 講 師  Sonja Dale(上智大学他非常勤講師)
  • 演 題  Introducing X-Gender - Gender and Identity in Contemporary Japan

中国 2年
It was an interesting presentation. I came to have more and more knowledge about LGBT deeply. I think LGBT is still a touchy topic in Japan, and people try to avoid talking about it. Today's lecture made think that no matter if you're a female or a male, society makes you a "woman" or a "man" rather than you feeling or the official sex you are assigned on your birth certificate. I have never had so many thoughts about gender but it's important to question myself "Who Am I?"

英米 1年
I heard about the word “X-gender” for the first time and I feel it sounds cool that there can be a person who is neither a man nor a woman. I’m very surprised to hear that Facebook (US) divided sex into 58 categories. I want to know how they are divided into such a big number of sexes someday. I think being a man or a woman is not so important. Everyone has the right to fall in love with someone who they love, regardless of their sex.

国際関係 3年
From her answer to my question, I am now sure that declaring or publicizing your gender or sexuality is not harmful or bad for kids. It rather enables the children with potential gender crises to have a clue to identify what they are. A lot of gender minority people struggle to identify themselves, so letting them be exposed to these new ideas and communities of gender / sex would be the first step to gender / sex diversity.

英米 1年
I had a presentation about LGBT people the other day, so I am interested in the topic. I hadn’t thought about LGBT people seriously, for example, I had said that “I like this transgender person because he (she) is so funny, and I would like to become friends with him (her) because he (she) will respond to a request for advise!” and I had felt that I accepted them. However, I found out that I don’t know a lot of things about LGBT after this presentation. It is a more serious issue than I thought. The thinking on LGBT issues is getting better in Japan, but Japan can change more and I would like Japan to do so. In order to make Japan better, I would like to share what I listened about today with friends, parents, and so on. Thank you very much.

フランス 1年
These days, I discovered a sign which read “restroom for everyone” rather than “restroom for the physically disabled” at Kyoto station. I didn’t understand the meaning then, but after I heard this presentation, I got it. The meaning of “restroom for everyone” is to include not only the physically disabled but also LGBT people. I think the sign is a good idea. I hope people’s views on gender become better.

国際関係 2年
For a long time, in the past, LGBT people were rejected as “strange”. I think it’s natural for humans to avoid different or unknown things. That’s partly why sex between two men was banned. But now, because of the LGBT movement, their rights are getting better and better. People in many countries regard LGBT as “identity” or “personality”. However, in Japan, there are still many people who treat LGBT people as having a kind of disease. I don’t like it because human rights are protection for all humans. So today’s lecture was really a good opportunity to think about LGBT people. Thank you very much.

フランス 2年
When I was a child, I thought that I could not understand LGBT people forever because they are very difficult to categorize. But when I went to France to study, my childhood friend came out as being gay. It was very surprising to me, but he said, “In the world almost all children like strawberries. But some people don’t like them for example you. Is it strange that some children like oranges better than strawberries? It is the same thing for LGBT people.” From this, I changed my opinion, and I became more accepting of LGBT. I want more and more people to accept and have enough information about LGBT people.

フランス 2年
I did not know not only the sex on the family register, but also gender and identity decide who you are or which sex you have. I was so surprised to hear that there were three factors you think about when you talk about gender. I thought a man on a family register who loves men was guy. I did not think about which gender this man thought he was to be. If he thinks he is female, then he (maybe I should use she) is not a guy even if his sex on the family register is male. Dr. Dale’s presentation changed my way of thinking about gender a lot.

英米 2年
In the beginning of her talk, Dr. Dale asked us, “Are you a ‘woman’ or a ‘man’? Why?”, and “What does it mean to be a ‘woman’ or a ‘man’?” These questions surprised me a lot because I am usually never concerned about that. However, I felt it was so difficult to answer that clearly. I noticed this gender and identity issue is more complicated than I expected. I once read an article about LGBT people, and it said that there are a lot more LGBT people than we expect there to be. They are like the people who are a left-handed. So the most important thing about this topic is not the LGBT people, but our attitude towards them.

中国 1年
Today’s presentation was very impressive to me. I think that comparing Japan with the other countries, Japanese people don’t recognize LGBT people well. In other countries, famous people often announce that they are bisexual and so on. However, in Japan, it is hard to announce that one is LGBT openly. So, we have to think about LGBT people more deeply. Recently, a city recognized same sex marriage. It was happy to hear that news. I hope such actions spread.

