
愛知県立大学 特別講義 英語連続セミナー


  • 講 師  吉田ふゆみ (スイスポートジャパン株式会社)
  • 演 題  From Homemaker to Translator: Never Too Late to Change Yourself

フランス 2年
I’m very interested in today’s topic because it is the closest topic to our lives so far. I think that our situations and her experiences are similar. I want to study abroad, so I enjoyed this time. I thought having a dream is important for us no matter how old we are. According to her presentation’s sub title, nothing is “too late”. So I want to do everything which I have an interest in, and I want to work in my favorite area, like her. Today, let me think about my future. This was a very good time. Thank you!

スペイン 2年
First of all, I liked Ms. Yoshida’s speech very well. Her English was easy to understand and her story was interesting. I used to be in Florida as an exchange student and I also felt US history was a nightmare. Moreover, I really agree with her way of leaning English. Japanese people don’t learn but just study when they try to get English skills. Literally, they are forced to study, I don’t like it so I am for Ms. Yoshida’s way of leaning English in everyday life.

国際関係 3年
I was born again three years ago when I entered this university. Ms. Yoshida’s story inspired me a lot and proved that my choice was not a waste. Today she became a role model for me. In particular, I always study English as if I were obligated and forced to do so, but she taught me that to immerse myself into the environment in English is the best way to improve my English. I will never give up pursuing my dream and will be born again if I get another opportunity.

英米 2年
I have also thought, similar to Ms. Yoshida, about going to a foreign country to experience, for instance, the atmosphere of a region and converse with the people living there. So, today I really concentrated on listening to the presenter’s speech. In Ms. Yoshida’s presentation, I was really surprised to know that in a certain kind of class, we should learn basic English grammar again. Maybe I’m fed up with the task I already know. In addition, as to studying, she was maybe so disappointed and lost a little bit of hope when she got 58 points on the required exam on American history. But, I’d like to ask her what was the thing which stirred her up to continue to study. It was a pity for me that there was no time to ask her my question!

スペイン 1年
I really enjoyed and was very inspired by Ms. Yoshida’s presentation, and I have mainly two points that were especially inspiring for me. First, I was really surprised that she took her kids to the U.S. and studied in the college there. I think studying in a foreign country is pretty tough, but taking care of children at the same time is even tougher, so I was surprised. Second, I think she is very amazing because she always has a dream. Even after she got a job that she loves, she still has a dream and keeps looking to the future. Now, I don’t have a specific dream, but I want to look for my dreams and try to make the dreams come true. It was really nice listening to Ms. Yoshida’s presentation today!

フランス 2年
Thank you for your great presentation. I agree that there are many difficulties in translation work. I’m better at French than English, but in French there are some words which are very peculiar to express taste. Maybe because France is famous for wines and food, there are so many expressions for taste. When I need to translate these for my Japanese friends, I had difficultly to explain them. But on the other hand, I had a difficultly to translate Japanese into English, too. For example, Japanese have so much onomatopoeic words and mimetic words. I couldn’t choose a good expression in English because I can’t find it.

中国 1年
I think that she is a wonderful woman. It is because she didn’t give up on her dream and she went to the USA. It was a brave action for her. Her presentation gave me the message to hold on to a dream. I have a dream to go abroad to study languages now. So, I won’t forget this message. Also, when I get older and find a new dream, I want to pursue that dream like her. And then I want that dream to come true someday.

英米 2年
I was just so amazed about Mrs. Yoshida! She is way older than us, but it seemed like she’s younger than us when I heard her talk. From her lecture, I learned that age doesn’t matter. I totally agreed when she said that people should be accepted based on their quality of work, not their age. I learned from her that, first of all, I have to take action! Also, never give up and always search for another chance. Mrs. Yoshida is my role model for the future. In the future, when I become a working adult, I will never give up on my dream, and keep dreaming, no matter what age I am!

中国 2年
Before I took this class, I thought it merely an English class. But what I found out is that every single lecture from this class inspired me so much. Particularly, when she said, “We can always DREAM … make a move”, I always have so many dreams but never think about making a specific plan to achieve the aim. Today I really learned a lot from her.

英米 1年
I was really impressed with her speech. She was so cool, that now I decided to be a translator or an interpreter. I agreed with her on the methods of leaning English. I don’t consider it “study” any more. I play video games in English and talk to my English-speaking friends in the Internet. I believe using it in our daily life is the best way to learn English.

