
愛知県立大学 特別講義 英語連続セミナー


  • 講 師  Chris Wyle (崇城大学SILC上級講師)
  • 演 題  Ichi Go Ichi E - One Chance, One Encounter Remembering the 2004 Tsunami

英米 1年
I lived in Thailand from 2003 to 2010 and I traveled to a Thai island when the Tsunami occurred. The place where we stayed was not affected by the Tsunami at all, so we didn’t know the Tsunami occurred. However, my father was suddenly called by the Japanese school in Thailand to confirm our safety. We were disturbed and we went back to Bangkok earlier than we planned. When I went to the school, I heard that one student from the school was killed by the Tsunami. I was too young to understand it and I didn’t know the gruesomeness because the place where we stayed was so peaceful. And I have not tried to know about the Tsunami until today, but it is a good chance to know about it, so I will try asking my parents how things were and researching it. I was happy to hear the details of the Tsunami today.

英米 1年
I can’t believe that Chris had such a dangerous experience because now he is alive without any injury. I think this means, even in normal circumstances, everyone could be in danger of death. We should not consider victims of the experience to be special. We are just lucky. It moved me that all species are the same when they face danger of death. After hearing that, I felt very sorry because I have seen many people treat others badly in Japan. In addition, the most impressive words for me were, “Life doesn’t change but you change”. I realized that although any experience can influence me, my life will not change without taking some action. Thank you, Chris!

留学生 1年
I have experienced the WenChuan Earthquake in 2008, so I can really understand how horrible the disaster is. And also I appreciate that I’m still alive and have such a peaceful life today. And I think we shouldn’t blame the people who can’t understand the feelings that we experienced. I am also moved that people support each other and show their kindness after disasters. The world is still so beautiful, so we should not waste our lives.

英米 2年
First of all, I was impressed that he thought the experience of the earthquake was a good experience even though he is still suffering a little bit from the trauma of it. Obviously, such terrible experiences are hard to get over. However, I think the most important things in such kinds of cases are changing our thinking in a good way and learning lots of things from it. Mr. Wyle’s lecture was so valuable for me.

ドイツ 2年
I was deeply impressed to hear your words, “Life is not guaranteed.” When I hear the word “Tsunami”, I always remember the Great East Japan Earthquake. Many, many people lost their lives because of the earthquake and Tsunami. No one knows when your life can end. We must not waste this wonderful, precious, beautiful time in our lives.

国際関係 1年
I think what he experienced told us important things; we have to help each other in an emergency situation because the reason he could survive in such a terrible disaster was that everyone around him, even if it was the animals, led him to the safe place. Also, I learned that what I am is what I experience! I’d really love to try something new starting today.

スペイン 2年
I think that ‘Ichi Go Ichi E’ is very important. I’m Japanese, but I never have thought about it deeply. I would like to be conscious of the word all the time. I was born in Tohoku and I lived in the city near the coast until four years ago. However, the home where my family had lived was flushed away by the Tsunami four years ago. It is so sad, but my memory of this place will be forever.

英米 2年
Although I’ve had no experience as a victim of disasters, I’ve been able to sympathize with the sufferers from the Tsunami in 2004 more through today’s speech by Prof. Wyle. In his presentation, lots of scary photos, especially the pictures which are images of the destruction of the earth, houses and uprooted forests, impressed me. However, I could also imagine the victim’s mind from positive pictures and the presenter’s speech. For example, when the rescue mission’s helicopter arrived at the stricken area and people heard the sound of it, they felt really relieved and hopeful. The joy they felt was maybe incalculable, I think.

中国 2年
The Tsunami experience Prof. Wyle shared with us very deeply inspired me. We should appreciate every normal day we have because we totally have no idea what is going to happen in the next moment or tomorrow. His experience also reminded me of the acts of terrorism which just occurred in Paris last week. There were so many victims because of it. We really must be thankful to have every single normal peaceful day.

国際関係 3年
I wonder what caused the people to survive or die, but if it was the people or casual situation, that’s what he calls ‘Ichi Go Ichi E’. As for the terrorism in Paris, we unfortunately might experience something that we never expected to happen around us. When we see tragic stories in geographically or psychologically remote places on TV, such as the battle fields of the Middle East, we don’t pay so much attention. When it happens around us and becomes visible, especially when we experience it, we recognize how harsh it is for the first time.

