
愛知県立大学 特別講義 英語連続セミナー


  • 講 師  今井美香 (プライマリーケア シス代表・ ヘルスケアコンサルタント)
  • 演 題  Phuket Marathon Ambassador Speaks on a Natural Active Life

英米 2年

I was very impressed by Ms. Imai’s speech. At first, I could not catch well what she wanted to tell us. However, her interesting story based on her real experiences made me very excited and engaged me in her world. The three principles in her life “Don’t rush it, don’t skip it and don’t give up” come from her real experiences and feelings, I think. And I understood that there are people who have a strong will and keep trying like Ms. Imai. Thank you very much.

英米 2年

I like sports, so I looked forward to listening to today’s speech. It was a very interesting speech for me. I was impressed by many points. First, I was impressed by Ms. Imai’s positive attitude. I often think about things negatively and often lose my motivation. Her attitude tells me that her positive attitude is good for health. Second, I was impressed when she showed her lesson, “Don’t rush it”, “Don’t skip it” and “Don’t give up”. I was surprised that she lost her English. I think she did not give up and she came today. Today’s speech taught me many interesting things.

スペイン 3年


Ms. Imai showed us many pictures, and I was especially surprised by one picture. I felt the woman who had taken Ms. Imai’s program was totally different than before. I wouldn’t believe she is the same person and I thought “diet” was mainly for people who wanted to lose weight. “Stay healthy (taking fresh vegetables, getting exercise, etc.)” means not only not getting sick, but it is also important for our lives. Ms. Imai’s vitality comes from her toughness, I think.

フランス 1年

"One time support is not support at all." This sentence provides us the real meaning of support. When I heard the story of the refugee camp in Cambodia, I was sure I would also be angry with the person who gives delicious food to the children if I were the mother. We shouldn't give half-hearted support if we don't have the confidence to continue it. Supporters and recipients grow together. The lecture today became a very precious lesson for me, and for those who think about starting to do volunteer work.

英米 1年

I have learned how to maintain my health from Ms. Imai. I came to want to keep daily exercise and have balanced diet definitely, but this was not only a lecture about leading a healthy life, She taught me about the pleasure in her life. Her pictures in the hand-out are filled with her brilliant smile and I really understand how important happiness is for her. I want to be a person who makes people happy, like her.

英米 1年

Thank you for your speech. I was impressed by your experience in Cambodia. Maybe if I were you, I would have also given children cookies. I misunderstood it as a good thing for children in Cambodia. At that moment, they can stave off their hunger. But, they can't get cookies in Cambodia, and can't eat them again. It's very cruel. So I felt strongly that this behavior is just selfishness. Real kindness is to think about people sincerely. Your speech makes me think about it. Thank you.

国際関係 2年

First of all, thank you very much for your great speech. I was really impressed with you and today's lecture is one of the best lectures that I have ever had. To be honest, you are full of vitality and I didn't notice your difficulty until you told us. Your great speech taught me so many worthy lessons. One of those is that we should continue to try to do something as much as we can because we all live in a society where there is almost everything we want. I'm sure each attempt at our goal will be a precious experience.


英米 1年

Thank you for your lecture today. I was really impressed by your powerful way of life. You had an obstacle in your life, so you've experienced a lot of hardships. But, I think you are really brighter than any other person. I couldn't forget your shining smile! Recently, I'm extremely busy and in low spirits, but you made me think that my worry is so such a little thing. I want to give others "happiness" like you. Thank you so much!!

フランス 1年

She said, "I went to a Refugee camp in Cambodia when I was 19 years old." I'm 19 years old now, too, so I thought that experiencing life outside of Japan is so important. Going abroad, meeting a lot of people and experiencing things I haven't tried before are my desire. I was happy to listen to her story and teaching. I'll never give up! Thank you.

中国 4年

Ms. Imai inspired me so much. Ms. Imai's character is very happy, loving and caring. She is a great example that with love for people and a will to help, we can do anything. Like her, I also want to use my talents, my abilities to help other people in need. Also, I want to be positive in myself that I can do anything.

