
愛知県立大学 特別講義 英語連続セミナー


  • 講 師  三津田 順子 名古屋港管理組合港営部 誘致推進課
  • 演 題  Working for the Port of Nagoya: A Perspective on Life after Graduating from APU

英米 2年

Today’s lecture was very meaningful and useful for me. I did not know about the Port of Nagoya at all, so I’m very happy to learn a lot about it. I thought that the Port of Nagoya only deals with exportation and importation. However, actually, it deals with other things, such as the automotive industry, aerospace industry, and ceramics industry. I was surprised to know that. Also, I was surprised to know that the Port of Nagoya has the first rank of total cargo tonnage, total trade value, and completed vehicle exports.

英米 2年

I really enjoyed and got great inspiration from Ms. Mitsuda’s speech: She has an intellectual way of talking and she included a significant amount of information. Indeed, I admired that she did not hesitate to tell her stories of failure and trouble as well as her experiences and things that had an impact on her. Through several kinds of careers, she absorbed many experiences through them and made use of these in her next jobs. As a staff member at the Port of Nagoya, she has a lot of responsibilities which is no less than in an embassy. I really respect that she works in a Leading Port for the Nagoya region, Japan and the world, and that she is proud of it.

英米 2年

Today’s speaker, Ms. Mitsuda was a student of APU, so it was directly connected to decisions about my career. First, I was surprised that she changed her job many times. I thought once I decide to work at one company, I have to work until I quit my career. It was a very good reference that I have chances to change my career after getting my job. Second, I was very impressed that she said we have the skill of language and it can be useful for our job. Her English was very good, but she said she did not have language skills before getting a job. I learned that I can improve my skill in my job. All of the contents of her presentation were good for our future!

中国 1年

I felt that Ms. Mitsuda was confronted with a lot of difficulties, but also she enjoyed her experiences. She experienced several jobs and brushed up on what she needed, so she is satisfied with her present job. Through this lecture, I learned how important it is for me to keep trying. She said, “Skill is no burden.” Through this expression, I became aware of the importance of what I’ve done and what I will do to make myself grow..

英米 1年

This lecture gave me a chance to consider my future career. I have little time to think about my job because I have my hands full with daily assignments. I have a vague idea of how to build a career. I want to speak English in my job and communicate with people from various countries. It’s difficult for me to have a clear image of my future, but I will try to build up my English, experience many things, and keep improving something for a long time.

フランス 1年

I had no idea that the Port of Nagoya plays such a significant role for Japan and its citizens. I don’t think it’s going too far to call it a bridge between many countries. We need to realize that it offers us much from our daily life, and once it’s gone, we might be in the crisis of our lives.

英米 1年

I think there are many difficulties in using foreign languages at work, so I wonder how she encouraged herself. I don’t have confidence in my English, so I admire her so much. I learned it is important to consider what I really want to do when choosing a job. Also, I found it’s important that work and life should be well balanced. I will make good use of today’s lecture in the future, when I start job hunting.

看護 1年

It was very nice to hear about how a graduate of Aichi Prefectural University is working in society. I am studying in the department of Nursing, so I used to think that I could only be a nurse after I graduate. However, after hearing about how Mrs. Mitsuda changed her job seeking for a job that is better for her, it made me think that I have a wide variety of choices I can still make, and that I can always go back and study something different too.

中国 2年

I don’t have a clear vision for my future now. What I learned today was we first need to settle our ultimate goal. Second, whatever job you get it will make you grow. Third, language skills are one of my strengths. Ms. Mitsuda gave me a clearer vision of my future. I decided to find a job in which I can use my language skills and which has a good balance in life and work.

国際関係 1年

Thank you for your lecture today. I did not know much about Nagoya Port Authority before the lecture. Thanks to you, I learned what kind of institution Nagoya Port is or what they are doing. What most surprised me was that the job does not require professional language skills, but some of the work needs interpreting skills. I’m interested in working in the port from your lecture. So I hope to visit there someday.

