愛知県立大学 特別講義 英語連続セミナー



"Global Englishes" as skills for intercultural communication


情報 1年
This time, I noticed I don't have friends who speak English, that is to say, I don't have friends who don't speak Japanese. Cross-cultural communication is very important. I understood it relates to "Neutral English." Every year, the number of international students is increasing. So the chance where I communicate with people who don't speak Japanese may come. The final slide "catching a ball and snowball" was interesting.
ドイツ 1年
I learned many things from today's presentation. It was very interesting to learn about high context culture and low context culture. In Japan, we are expected to think about other people's feelings and we always think that it is the most important thing to do while communicating with people. However, in a low context culture, people say what they mean and mean what they say. This difference was very surprising to me.
英文 3年
I agree with her about the story of silence. When I stayed in Australia, most of my foreign friends couldn't stand silence. And they always said to me, "You are so shy! Don't be shy! If you want to study English, you have to speak English!" What they said was natural and right. But, when I talked with foreigners, I couldn't say anything because of their drive! She said, "silence is a pressure for Americans". But I think that they should learn a different culture!
中国 2年
Thank you for your great presertation. It was really interesting. It was good for me to know one of the Chinese gestures. I've totally fogotten about it and I misunderstood that gesture when I was in China, too! I think that to get Intercultural communication skills, Leadership skills, and are Critical thinking skills are more difficult than to get Foreign language proficiency. I want to be a person who can not only "speak" English, but also can understand the invisible culture. It was really good to hear your presentation before I go abroad because I can still prepare for it. Thank you very much.
英米 4年
I was impressed by her lecture. I agree with her idea that English spoken by native speakers is not the best "Global Englishes". I found this is true during studying in the U.S. I met many people from various backgrounds. And I realized that speaking "perfect" English is not important and telling people what I'm thinking is much more important. Her words, "Intercultural Communication" is like a snowball fight, are funny and totally true. In addition, her lecture about high context and low context culture is interesting, because I've got a multicultural tourism class in the U.S. I remember a professor of the class was really nice to me and very understanding. Since he is a professor of "multiculture," he tried to understand me from a different background to other American students. He tried to understand my way of thinking. As Ms.Horie said, we should know the different cultures, like high context and low context.
国際関係 1年
Now, in Japan, the economic situation grows more serious. I'm worried if I will get a job when I graduate from this university. I learned that the society needs "Global Human Resources." So, for my future, I want to acquire not only English skill but also leadership skill or critical thinking skill from now. Then, I want to go abroad somewhere. At that time, I want to learn not only visible culture but also invisible culture!
国際関係 1年
[TITLE] "Global Englishes" as Skills for Intercultural Communication
I understood "Global Englishes." We have to study not only native English but also other Englishes that non-native English speakers use. I have many international friends. The hardest Englishes to understand are Vietnamese & Lebanese. When I talk to them, I always can't catch their English at one time. And it's also difficult for foreign people to understand Japanese English. There's another problem. Japanese tend to be indirect. It makes others confused and may lead to a big trouble. We have a lot of things to do for getting into a global society.
英米 3年
I think we Japanese are not good at intercultural communication. Therefore, we should change our attitude for it. I believe it's not only true of me but also of every Japanese person; we tend to be afraid of making mistakes or we think too much about discussing a topic. Actually, we can say some part of our idea before it becomes polished, but we do not do so. We may fall behind other countries with low-context culture in the globalized world if we cannot throw away our moderate culture. It is said that Japanese are modest, which is not honor. I will keep trying to get an attitude of communication like people in direct-expression countries.
英米 1年
[TITLE] To Be Aggressive
I don't like to do the presentation in front of many people, but Ms.Horie's advice is so useful, I think. So, I want to be a positive and aggressive woman in the future to speak with many people or many foreign people. And I'm looking forward to hearing their interesting responses.
英米 2年
Today's lecture was so interesting to me because there are a lot of surprises: for example, we have many choices of countries to learn English. I have joined an international party in Nagoya, and there I felt Englishes. There are many English speakers who don't speak English as their native language. I'm worried about Japanese future because Japan is late for internationalization. However, it would be good that Westerners take into account high-context culture. It is not always a good thing to express your feelings or opinion.
中国 4年
[TITLE] I Found a Knack for Good Communication!
Actually, speaking English fluently is so important. But, more important thing is understanding what he/she thinks and wants to say. Although I can't speak English fluently, I can catch what he/she thinks and wants to say through gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, voice tone and so forth. Thinking what he/she thinks and looking at gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, voice tone and so forth can soften my shyness. It's wonderful! Through this presentation, I understood what is important in communication! Thank you.
スペイン 2年
[TITLE] "Global Englishes" as Skills for Intercultural Communication
I was surprised to hear the TOEFL score required for graduation in South Korea. It said that an academic ability of Japanese students is decreasing currently. I don't feel that in my daily life, but I sometimes wonder if my classmates want to study. I think they just want to get credits and don't want to study in fact. Most people think that accepting different cultures is very difficult. But is it true? It must be easy. You only have to love them. If we have love, we must be able to understand them.
ドイツ 1年
I was surprised that Ms.Horie is having fun to make presentations in public. I can't make a presentation in English or in Japanese. But she said, "Many people in different countries had different responses and background." They gave her much information. So, I got interested in that. She practiced making presentations by recording on videotapes. She said it was embarrassing for her, but it was the best practice. So, I'll practice it, and I want to make presentations in public in English.
ドイツ 1年
[TITLE] Worthwhile Foreign Cultures
It is so difficult to learn different cultures. There are many differences between a culture and another culture: way of thinking, meaning of gestures, and way of interpretation of words and gestures. But, precisely for that reason, learning different cultures is so exciting. I will learn about Germany and other countries with excitement and deep interest.
フランス 1年
Thank you for your lecture. You told us some story about "global Englishes." I'm especially interested in the story of "Saturday shift." I think this conversation is often seen in Japan. Japanese have a tendency not to say clearly, so they are apt to misunderstand. By the way, you said that intercultural communication is not "catching a ball" but "snowball fight." It's a new idea and very interesting! Like making a snowball, Japanese have to get their opinions in shape, and like throwing a snowball, they have to tell their opinions positively!

