愛知県立大学 特別講義 英語連続セミナー



Melisanda Berkowitz((財)AHI アジア保健研修所職員)
How Can I Help? Asian Health Institute(AHI) and sharing for Health


英米 1年
I was very shocked to know the difference in ways of thinking. "If I died, my husband would marry another woman and she could look after my family." In Japan, I think no one would say such a thing. Many people in developing countries might lack knowledge about basic health. To let them acquire accurate knowledge is one way of helping. I understand that we can't understand all of those people very well. But learning about such a situation and sharing our way of thinking is important. Most of all, connection with other people gives us well-being. That's what I was most impressed with.
英米 1年
I enjoyed her speech very much. I thought about the poor of the world and our help. I was shocked by the two pictures. If there was a girl in front of me with a bird watching for a chance to get her, I'd think of what I can do. As a short-term solution, I could help her and run away from the bird. But I can't look after her after that, and maybe she will die. I learned it's important to help in the longterm to improve the quality of life around the world. I can't go abroad to help people, but I can join the activity through sending books or clothes and fund-raising. And I think it's important that we want to know about poverty and get information. We need to help each other.
英米 4年
Today, I watched some important pictures. Especially, the picture of a little girl is very shocking. Ms. Melisanda's speech is understandable for me. I learned how to help poor people has a lot of methods. Short-term help gives happy feeling too, but I think long-term help is more important for them and being well connected is important, too.
国際関係 1年
I felt sad when I saw the picture of a girl and a bird. I want to help that situation. But I can't do this because I'm in Japan now. So from now on, I think I will go abroad and help many people. If I go there, can I help them? It is the first time to know AHI. I should know this information and do something in Japan. Then, if it is enough to study, I want to go there in order to help many more people.
国際関係 1年
"How can I help?" is one of my big questions I've always had in my mind and I couldn't find the answer yet. I saw myself people begging in streets just like the picture she showed us. I felt really sad when I saw people like that, but my friend told me that there are so many other poor people not begging and working hard themselves. Giving them some money is easy for us, but that makes them keep begging and relying on other people. I didn't know what the right thing to do was.
スペイン 1年
I've seen the picture that a photographer Kevin Carter took many times on TV and textbook. He got criticized by many people, but I don't think his behavior was bad. He informed us the reality in Sudan and we could know the disastrous situations. And I was surprised that the woman who had skin cancer chose not to have treatment. In Japan, most people would have treatment. We have to know a lot of situations all over the world.
フランス 1年
It is the picture "How can I help?" that I thought the most impressive. I had seen this picture in my dictionary when I was a junior high school student. The first time I saw it, I felt very sad because the photographer took her picture without helping her. But now I think that the picture is necessary to make people aware of the fact of poverty.
ドイツ 1年
When I heard today's lecture, I decided to do what I can. What I can is to learn about AHI and ILDC. After I learned about it very well, I want to try something new. And I was very shocked when I saw people walking on the hard ground without shoes. So I will donate to AHI for helping the children in developing countries. I am happy to hear this lecture.
スペイン 1年
Today's presentation is very interesting! I love children so much, and I wish I could work for children. In the world, there are many children who suffer from disease and poverty. I forget that because I live in Japan which is not poor. I can't do big volunteer work, for example, build a hospital. But I can do little things, give a little money, work for a short time for poor people, etc. I remember that we Japanese and poor people live on the same planet earth. We should live, helping each other. Thank you so much for your speech.
フランス 1年
The picture the German photographer took was sensational. Although he was criticized, it is a reality of the poor country. I think I want to help poor people, but it's likely to be egoistic. Although people are poor, they can be happy. The shape of happiness is "so many men, so many minds." I want to think of what I can do.
英米 1年
I enjoyed this lesson. There may be poor people in Japan, but it's more serious in many developing countries. We know that many children are suffing from hunger and starving to death. However, only a few people try to help them actually. Everybody in the world can help each other. So everybody should try! We have to learn about their living more and more, and we should communicate with each other all over the world. Then we must do anything to help them. There are many things that we can do. I want to take part in volunteer activities and fundraising campaigns like UNICEF.
ドイツ 1年
How can I help? I don't know. So I want to think about it and to share my ideas with my friends or my family. Rob said, "I gave him a sandwich to feel better." I think it is great. Long-term help is very important. But it is difficult for me to do long-term help. So I'll try to start to help people who are in front of me. I think of doing what we can is the most important, even if it is short-term help.
英文 3年
I was impressed by '"HOW" can I help ?' And I thought of it all very well. But it's very difficult for me because I can help poor people only though stopgap measures. And I was shocked by the picture of "Life as a Burden."  She loves her family better than her life and her love to wards her husband. We should think of their environment.
スペイン 2年
[TITLE] How Can I Help? (AHI and sharing for Health)
My English teacher said that "A person who thinks about himself/herself only looks unhappy." What's well-being? It varies because each person has the shape of well-being. They have different cultures and different religions. I think the saddest thing is loneliness. People need LOVE. LOVE is the important thing for life. I don't know what we can do clearly but I know a lot of people aren't sufficient for love. I want to love everyone, and I want everyone to love and to be loved.
フランス 1年
Thank you for your speech. Today's speech impressed me very much. Her words and images on the screen were very real. It is natural for me, for us to eat meals three time a day, to sleep in a warm house, to learn at school. However, in the same Asian areas, it is not natural for childrenn in developing cuntries. I am very very very very happy to feel it is "natural." I conciously thank everything around me.
フランス 4年
"How can I help?", this question is always in my mind. The first time when I saw the shocking photograph of Girl and Vulture in Sudan was when I was 15years old from an English textbook. However, I still don't know the answer because I sometimes feel that aiding other people is just satisfying me and just my ego. But by today's class I learned nothing would change if nobody took an action. I must think about what I can do for whom.

