愛知県立大学 特別講義 英語連続セミナー



佐々久美子(ジェンテックス・ジャパン株式会社セールスエンジニアリング アシスタント)
Career Path


ドイツ 1年
Ms.Sassa spoke a lot of things for our future in this lecture. For example, hospitality and communication skills are more important than English skills. So, Rob was surprised by her first impression. She made eye-contact with him well and shook hands with him strongly. I understood that she made communication skill important. I will make it a much more important skill like her in the future.
中国 1年
I recognized English is a great skill when we work nowadays. Perhaps its skill is indispensable in some companies. But I was impressed by the words "Hospitality, communication and management skills are more important." I felt that's right. However fluently I speak English, a person's behaviour must be taken very seriously. I think we must have sincerity.
国際関係 1年
I think that English is an essential skill in order to be employed because our society has become a global one. However, I find that only English skills can't help me to find a job after, listening to this presentation. I also find another skill is needed for me. As I say above, today's society is a global one. So, I need to know about Japanese and other cultures to communicate with each other. Even more, today's society has become an information society, too. So, PC or information skills are necessary for me. However, I think the most important thing for becoming employed is to have planability for my days to come!
英米 4年
I am doing job hunting now. I think, however, I don't have enough passion or enthusiam to appeal myself to the companies and to do job hunting itself. As Rob said, she seems to be feeling enthusiastic about her life. I wonder why she can live so enthusiastically. Seeing her today, I decided to try to be more passionate and enthusiastic like her!
英米 1年
I want to work using English in the future. So I'm learning it hard everyday. If I face a situation where I have to speak English in front of many native speakers or many great persons, I have to try without being afraid. I understood that it is the next door to the new world where I go through many things. Even if I wonder whether it is a helpful experience or not, that will be right.
スペイン 1年
I also had a chance to talk with foreigners like Ms.Sassa when I was little, so now I'm very interested in work at an international workplace. I think studying Japanese is very important not only for interpreters or translators but also for many kinds of international jobs. I don't have much knowledge about Japanese, so I want to study more Japanese from books or via some media. A few months ago, I got a driving license. But I'm not good at driving backward into a parking space, so the inner mirror that has a real camera display is very useful.
国際関係 1年
[TITLE] Career Path
Today, we learned about "career path" through Ms. Sassa's career. Her career is very impressive: quitting and changing jobs, experiencing some temporary jobs, acquiring licenses, and so on. I haven't ever experienced these things, but I think it was a very brave action. The most important words I think is studying about Japan. I'm studying English hard now, but I forgot that Japanese is also important. I'm interested in an interpreter or translator. So, today's lecture is very good for me.
フランス 1年
I wanted to be an interpreter when I was a junior-high school student, because there were few people who listened to and understood English correctly. It'll be connected to non-globalization. This means that the era of isolation might come back to Japan. These days, global communication brings many things to Japan and also to foreign countries. It's necessary for people to understand English to make our world better.
中国 4年
I think Ms.Sassa is really brave because we can't quit our job without braveness! "Be brave enough"---saying so is easy but doing so is really difficult. We should not only say so, but also do so. She also said, "if you have a chance to hear a new idea, please be open and flexible." I really think so, too. So, I really want to know her experience of being open and flexible when she has a chance to hear a new idea.
ドイツ 1年
Since I entered Aichi Prefectural University, I've had fewer opportunity to come in contact with English because I have to study German. But my dream of working with English (or other foreign languages) hasn't crumbled. Listening to her speech today, I feel envious of her job, her having many chances and family. But she made extra special efforts to be a good English speaker and work abroad. I should not grumble about the environment around me. I have to get chances for myself and hew out my own fortune.
英文 3年
It is useful for me to listen to her because I am hunting for a job now. Now, the depression is a very serious problem. So, I'm worried about my future. But I can change my thinking of job hunting after her speech. I must not forget her word: be brave enough to stop and think. It is a very good word! And I'm happy to know about Gentex. Today, I felt like I was taking part in an explanatory meeting of a company, not a class. I spent a good time! Thank you very much!
英米 2年
It's an effective story for me because the season of job hunting is approaching. I learned it is important that we introduce ourselves clearly and have passion. By the way, I decided to start studying abroad for one year in Toronto, so I want to hear her story when she lived there. I heard that Toronto is very cold, today she also said so. I'm worrying about standing the coldness. At present, it's difficult to get a job which we want, but in order to be hired I think it is a key that we improve our skills, including English (TOEIC), PC and so on.
英米 1年
I could learn many things from today's lecture. Many of my friends have an English license (Eiken). I don't have any license, however. Not only to brush up my English skill but also to get a job, license is very important. These days, I think many people use English very well, so many kinds of experiences, many skills, and a lot of knowledge are helpful. Like her, I want to do an international job in the service industry. I work at Starbucks as a part-time job. Through it, I learn to communicate with others and hospitality. To my delight, many foreign customers come to our store. When foreigners come, if I have time, I always try to have a conversation with them. During the next year, I want to get some license.
英米 4年
She is very ambitious and flexible. I think she is seeking for her identity through her experience. She changed her job and tried to work in various fields. She studied and got some licenses. She also went abroad and communicated with many people to share ideas. Through these experiences, she found herself and took a step forward. "Be brave enough to stop and think." I like these words. I would like to be ambitious to find myself and go a step further.
英米 2年
I think she is a cool career woman. I feel she is a very strong and powerful person! I was glad to hear her presentation. She said that it is important to share information among your friends and to share or discuss different ideas. I have opportunities to discuss different ideas in my classes. I want to make the most of these opportunities.

