
愛知県立大学 特別講義 英語連続セミナー



講師 Michael Kushell
演題 Rural Kabuki and Mutual Understanding: Lessons Learned from a Fulbright Year in Japan


英米 1年


Japanese people aren’t interested in the culture and tradition of our country. I think we should be interested in them and know about them. I haven’t ever been interested in Kabuki. But now I want to know about Kabuki listening to his speech. When I go abroad in the future, foreign people might ask me about Japanese culture. So I want to be a person who can answer foreigner’s questions. We should be proud of our culture.

英米 1年


I thought Kabuki was difficult to understand, so I have never seen it, but I’m interested in it after watching a video of this performance which he performed. He performed very well, so I was surprised. Also, I’m interested in other countries cultures. I want to do cultural activities if I go abroad to study. Through foreign culture, I want to communicate with the local people and make friends with foreigners.

英米 1年


I was surprised that Michael knows about Kabuki very well. I’m very glad that foreigners become interested in Japanese culture, but I think I have to understand my own cultures more. Kabuki is a traditional culture in Japan. I have thought that old people were interested in Kabuki. I think now that young people should know Kabuki. I think there are a lot of unique attractions.

英米 1年


Kabuki is the traditional culture in Japan, and I have seen DVD of Kabuki when I was a junior school student. However, because the way of speaking in Kabuki is very unique, I couldn’t understand the context well. Since then, I haven’t seen it, but I heard today’s lecture, I want to watch Kabuki again. I didn’t know that there are two type of Kabuki, rural Kabuki and traditional Kabuki. I want to compare these two types.

国際関係 1年


Kabuki is a whole new world for me even though it’s a Japanese traditional culture. I am interested in other cultures very much. But I realized there are very fantastic cultures in Japan, too. I’m always told that by foreign people. So we have to study both our culture and other cultures. If we can do that, we can play an important role for mutual understanding.

英米 1年


I had a little experience of watching Kabuki when I was in elementary school, as some of my friends belonged to a local Kabuki group, and they performed in our school festival. I have a plan to go abroad, and I’m also interested in my own country’s culture. So I was impressed by today’s lecture. I’ll try to learn Japanese culture more.

フランス 3年


It is surprising that a foreigner knows what Kabuki is. Even most Japanese people never go to see that. And I didn’t know the kind of Kabuki, professional one and rural one. I’m willing to start with going to see the former, and after that, I’ll go to see the latter because this lecture urged me to do that.

スペイン 1年


Thank you for your talking. Your Kabuki performance was wonderful! I don’t know so much about Kabuki but the difference between professional Kabuki Kata and Rural Kabuki Kata was interesting for me. I’d like to study more about Japanese culture. In addition, I hope more and more Japanese students go to the U.S. to study. Also I want to go there someday. Thank you very much.

英米 1年


I’m happy that you like Japanese culture, Kabuki. In fact, I don’t know about Kabuki so much, so he would know about it more than me. I like Japanese festival’s yatai, so I want to tell foreign people good points of yatai. Recently, a Japanese famous Kabuki performer passed away, so I often watch the news about Kabuki. The training looks hard. I know that Kabuki has major one and minor one for the first time, today. I want to see major one after I see minor one. I want to feel the difference between them. Mie prefecture and Gifu prefecture are near Aichi prefecture, so we can go there to see Kabuki lightheartedly. Kabuki’s makeup is very overdone. I like makeup, so I want to do a Kabuki make up on my face. I also like Japanese clothes, so I want to wear them.

フランス 1年


I have never tried to watch Kabuki because it’s very difficult to understand and I thought that is not for young people. However, thanks to today’s lecture, I changed my view towards Kabuki and I really want to watch the play now. The explanation about the differences between national Kabuki and rural Kabuki and the movie in which you play Kabuki was very interesting. Thank you for today’s lecture.

英米 3年


I’m from Gifu. I know a lot about rural Kabuki, but Mr. Kushell knows more than I. I was surprised and felt ashamed that I don’t know about Kabuki although I am from Gifu. I also performed Kabuki, Nippondaemon, like Mr. Kushell when I was in elementary school. It was difficult for me to speak the classical Japanese, “Towarete nanoru mo okogamashi-ga……”, so I was impressed by his performance, because it was very nice he performed like my Kabuki teacher. I hope that Kabuki is loved by not only old people, but also children and people all over the world.

英米 1年


His lecture is very interesting. I learned a lot about Kabuki a lot. I didn’t know rural Kabuki. I didn’t know that there are differences between professional Kabuki and rural Kabuki. Also, I’m very surprised that the number of people who study abroad has been decreasing, as I have been to foreign countries twice. I enjoyed many many things very much. I like to know another culture very much. I think that educational exchange and mutual understanding are so important. Also, I think that going to foreign countries is a good experience to people.

国際関係 1年


I was really amazed with his talk. How wonderful to see and hear from English speaker liking Japan so much. I really felt how little I knew about my own country, at the same time more and more I got interested in Kabuki. Remenbering my young age, childhood, I think once I have been to see the Rural Kabuki, in the festival of my town. Since I am now interested in going overseas for a year hopefully, I think it must be important to do small research of some of my own culture including Kabuki. Also, I really want to be “a part of the world,” not just being stuck in one country.

中国 2年


Today’s lecture about Kabuki and studying abroad was interesting! Many foreigners are interested in Japanese culture now, I think. So when we communicate with foreigners, some foreigners may ask us about Japanese culture. That’s why I also think we should understand our own culture. About studying abroad, I was surprised at the decrease of the number of Japanese who go to the U.S. for studying abroad. I think it is very important for people who want to work globally to understand other cultures or something. From now, I want to take more interest in our own culture and those of other countries, like China and the U.S.

スペイン 1年


I was really interested in the part where you chose “Kabuki” as a theme as your study. I, as a Japanese, am interested in Kabuki too, but never had a good chance to go see it or know much about it. So I kind of envy you to have seen it many times and understand the story and all the interesting facts about it! I heard Misonoza is going to be closed, but are they still having plays there? Or are they just going to rebuild it?? I’d really love to go see it there in March! Maybe I’ll invite my grandma over to go see it with me!! Thank you so much for coming today!!
