
愛知県立大学 特別講義 英語連続セミナー



講師 Ryan Arrigan (愛知県庁国際課)
演題 Growing Up in the Universe


フランス 3年


I have some geochemistry knowledge so I could understand his presentation. Even if we find the reason why the Universe was born, what the Black Hall is etc…, the Universe is still mysterious for me because I can’t imagine how life is created and I’ve never seen the space in my eyes (I can’t pay $500,000,000!) Anyway the lecture today leads me to review the geochemistry especially about the Universe.

フランス 3年


It was pretty difficult to understand but was very interesting. I like watching the pictures of the earth. I like Nebulae. I’d like to travel in the universe one day. I thought that the cost of space travel was much more expensive. I believed that few people can travel. I hope the study of universe will develop quickly!! I like the short movie that he showed us. We live on a point on the surface of the earth. We have to think of each other and we can do it!

英米 1年


I am interested in astronomical observations, so I enjoyed today’s story. Light advances fast. There are many kinds of stars, so I was excited. I want to know about each of the stars more. Earth was existed for a long time. If I could use magical power, I would see it of the past. Today, he talked about history, but I am not interested in it, so I didn’t understand his story about it. I came to want to go to New York. My image of New York is urban. New York’s buildings are beautiful. I want to live there. I was glad because his hobby was reading Japanese literature. I have never seen the real statue of Liberty. I am interested in chemistry, too. When I saw the table of atoms, I was excited. The smallest elementary particles were beautiful. I will try to research Black holes, Rogue planets, Nebulae, Comets, Asteroids, and so on.

スペイン 4年


Today’s topic was kind of difficult, but I’m interested in the future of the earth. I sometimes wonder what will happen to our planet if environmental problems get worse and what we can do if aliens come to the earth and destroy it. We can’t know what exactly will happen to the earth because the Universe is too big for us to know everything about it. I thought searching about a big topic was really interesting today.

ドイツ 2年

TITLE company

This lecture was actually a bit complicated to understand. But the lecture made me interested in the Universe. For me, it’s Romantic^^. I know that I wouldn’t be able for us to find the End of the Universe. But once I start to think about it, I can’t stop thinking about it. As for the existence of an Alien, it was very interesting to be able to hear some opinions about the existence of an Alien from other students. Good to take part in this lecture.

英米 2年


I was so impressed by the last Video. We tend to forget that we are in the Universe, and we tend to look only at our own surroundings, so we (I?) often worry about tiny little things, or complain about very boring things. Also, look around the world, there are still wars and conflict between nations or races. However, we are all human on the earth, and we should respect each other and protect our earth. Also, I really want to go to NY city, so I’m glad to hear his lecture today, and I want to visit his recommendation “ East Riverside Park” I want to go to Central Park, too.

国際関係 1年


I’m rellay interested in the Universe, so, today’s lecture is the most interesting for me. Besides, the movie of “Pole Blue Dot” moves me so much. I really want to introduce it to my friends. I think aliens are humans in our future. So, they are our offsprings, I believe they go sightseeing in the past world. UFO is a passenger boat. Someday, I would like to meet them. I believe they are quite friendly.

英米 2年


I was surprised to hear that animals and humans will disappear on this planet. However I was relieved to learn that this catastrophe will occur in some billion years.

英米 4年


Through this lecture, I was able to recall my science lesson I haven’t reviewed for years, and I also learn new things about the universe and us, human beings. I first heard that the universe started because of the Big Bang when I was in my elementary school it was impressing because that is what written in my textbook but I didn’t really believe it. Even in today’s lecture, I was impressed but still I don’t believe it 100% though there is lots of evidence to prove it, Big Bang is still a “theory.” But what surprised me the most is that we’re the same age!

スペイン 2年


Today I knew many things. The Big Bang theory, Evolution and Alien life. I think the Universe has many secrets. So I want to learn about the Universe more… And now Global Warming is a big problem. So I want to think about the future of Earth.

英米 1年


The universe is very very big. There must be a lot of things which we don’t know. Our life is supported by the Universe, for example, the Intenet. The most curious thing I feed is the existence of aliens. I believe it because the Universe is so large. If the existence is confirmed, we will have another planet to live on.

英米 1年


I enjoyed today’s presentation a lot. The universe is very large, so human beings may not know almost nothing about it, even if we think we know well. We should improve our technology to explore it. And I was so moved to watch the video of speech about the earth.

英米 1年


This lecture is interesting to me, but it is a little Greek to me. I can’t understand about “Atom”….., it’s a pity. However, I could understand the part of Alien life. I think that some aliens exist somewhere!! Because the Universe is so big!! If I have huge money, I want to go to the Universe. There’re a lot of dreams in there!!

フランス 1年


Through the today’s lecture, I feel that we should think about the earth. We must not forget the truth of global warming. After I saw the movie I feel strong by that we have to continue to save the earth where all living things live. I think we have to think what we can do for the earth. So I try to do anything to save my home planet. Today, I am glad to notice important things.

フランス 1年


Today’s lecture was interesting. Especially, I was interested in the existance of aliens. I think the aliens exist. Of course, I don’t know any face, color, hair, hand, and so on. But I think the alien is like those in Star Wars which is famous science fiction. Also, the video of the earth was very interesting. I didn’t know that New York was established by Dutch.
