
愛知県立大学 特別講義 英語連続セミナー



講師 Mick Corliss
演題 Found in translation


中国 4年


I was in Seattle one year ago, so I remember my friends and host family because of your accent. In America, I had a chance to interview the vice president of World Vision, and to do ‘job shadow’. I strongly feel a flexible atmosphere in the company office. That is really different from Japanese company (at lease my office).

英米 1年


He can speak Japanese well, so I respect him. I want to speak English fluently. To learn English well, he gave us some important points, Asking questions, shadowing, reading newspaper, and so on. I think shadowing is difficult, but I’ll try it when I watch TV in English. Sometimes I listen to news in English, so the next time, I want to do shadowing. And his performance is great!

国際関係 2年


When I was a high school student, my teacher said shadowing is important for learning English. And I did shadowing every night. But now I don’t do that because I am busy. Today I determine that I’ll do shadowing again!! And I often hear that we should fail and shouldn’t be shy from English teachers, especially American teachers. I love American people and I wanna be frank like Americans!

英米 4年

TITLE : Fail More to Succeed!!

This is what Mick told us. As I listen to his story, I found myself respecting him and more, and I found him really intelligent and interesting. Because when he spoke about the experience in Japan Times, when he was just employed for the job, he said that after the interviewer asked them questions, he also put questions to the interviewer in return. For Japanese, it might be an unbelievable action, but as for him, I can say that he was really courageous to do such a thing. I’m really lucky to have this cource because I can learn many things, a lot of things from many people.



I’m so moved by the story that we should fail sometime to improve ourselves. I’m always afraid of making mistakes and I choose an easy way. However, I learn today that I have to be more challenging. The performance way great fun by the way.

中国 3年


This is the first time that I hear a foreigner’s talking about Japan. I have heard a foreigner who came to Japan but it is only second hand information. So this talking must be useful to my life. And, I think Japanese is difficult to speak or write too. Finally, Mick’s performance is great!

英米 3年


It was a very enjoyable talk, I got very interested in Mick himself because of the very diverse life he has lived up until now. I was especially taken by the quotation: “If you want to succeed faster, double your failure rate.” I have failed a lot in life and there are many things I’m failing at right now I guess that’s why it got to me more but I really got intrigued by the deepness of the quotation. I guess every experience you heve in life hes a goal side and a bad side. The facts are lined up but it’s all about how you take in the situation which really affects one’s life. The way Mick takes experiences which may seem like failures at first glance and trms turns into positive experiences is a way of thinking every person can learn from.

英米 1年


He is a great person because he has taught English at Waseda University and Nanzan University. It’s wonderful that he has been to many prefectures, for example, Tokushima, Osaka, Aichi and Tokyo. I did shadowing when I was a high school student. It was difficult, but I tried to do fluently. His Kansai dialect was cute. I want to know about the dialects of English more. I like Hello Kitty very much, so I was glad to hear a story about Hello Kitty. It was funny that he disregarded the traffic light. I want him to be careful. His black round hat is fashionable. It was interesting that there is difference between “聞いてください” and ”来てください”. His magic was very interesting.

英米 2年


First, his performance was absolutely incredible! He approached me, and picked my red scarf and then, he took a tiny red ball from my red scarf. Of course I didn’t have that ball. Incredible! Amazing. Go on to the main subject, I like his way of speaking. He used spoken language and used a lot of epithets, for example, “crappy” and “sticky” or something like that. Native speakers of English use these kinds of words frequently, and they make the expression plentiful. So I enjoyed listening to his speech. He said “My English is a mess”, but I like that. I also think he is a good imitator. He catches many kinds of language characters very well. He knows about many different types of pronounciations. I’m so interested in English accent, so it was interesting, too. Thank you.

国際関係 1年

TITLE : Interesting lecture

I was surprised that Mr. Corliss changed his job many times. And I think it is a good way to decide my life. I guess living abroad might be hard, but after I listened to his lecture, I want to go abroad. Great juggling.

国際関係 1年


All of his talk was just entertainment!! Full of Fun, I got. But also, we got several good words from him. “Don’t limit yourself” I really think it’s time, and I want to be the person who never limits their possibilities. My English is not perfect, maybe still too far from the level generally people feel satisfied. However, I’m going to try as much as I can, at the same time I fail make a lot of mistakes to learn from those. Anyway I haven’t heard any “fast English talk” for a while, so I enjoyed a lot. Thank you, Mr. Corliss, for your great entertainment. I will listen to his radio hopefully.

英米 1年


Today’s lecture was more interesting than usual because I could listen to the good lecture and nice performance. When the talk started, I was a little confused because there were no slides or handouts. I was worried that I can’t understand what he says. But, thanks to his interesting talk, I could manage to understand what he means. In addition, I’ll try to learn something Japanese.

スペイン 1年


Thank you for your wonderful lecture. I could learn how to study another language, so I want to practice it. Now, I major in Spanish and I always mix Spanish and English. It is difficult for me to study two different languages, but I’ll do shadowing and master them. I want to work with English and Spanish in the future, so I’ll try to study hard. And next spring, I’ll go to Mexico to study Spanish for a month and live with local families. So, I have questions for you. When I live with local families in Mexico, what things should I be careful about? What things did you care during staying with your hostfamily? I’m glad if you answer this questions and tell me about it. Thank you. Your performance was so great! I enjoyed it!

中国 2年


Today’s street performance was great fun. And today’s lecture was also interesting. Especially, the story of dialects in the U.S.A was interesting. But I thought it was difficult to find differences. If I hear some dialect, I may be unable to notice where the English speaker comes from. And in today’s lecture, I understand it is important for studying a foreign language to understand culture of that country.

フランス 3年


It’s impressive for me that Mr. Coliss has a lot of great experiences in Japan in spite of his short stay in Japan. I know it’s because of his passion but I’m also surprised at his excellent Japanese vocabularies (his formidable performance as well). The way to improve a foreign language that he told us was what I’ve already known but it’s not easy to act it, especially to keep making efforts…

スペイン 1年


First of all, the hat tricks and the juggling was amazing!!! I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone juggling 5 balls at the same time!! I really enjoyed the part about the dialects in the United States. The way you spoke like the people from the southern part reminded me of George Bush!! I had a California accent, but as I came to have communication with people from the many parts of the US, my mon told me that my accent changed. It’s densen oyou!! I want to work abroad and have relationships with many peoples like you, too!! Thank you so much for coming today!!
