
愛知県立大学 特別講義 英語連続セミナー



講師 Stephen Wheeler
演題 Immigration throughout U.S. History


スペイン 1年


Before this lecture I didn't know the number of American Consulates in Japan and the number of Japanese consulates in the U.S. I'm very interested in the United State's next president. I support Obama because his statement of accountability for business that broke the law by undermining American Workers and exploiting undocumented workers is very good. I'm very surprised with the thing of California. I don't know in California there are a lot of Japanese people. Also I'm surprised with the declining number of Japanese students who study in the U.S. Thank you for a great lecture.

スペイン 1年


I learned about immigration in another class. In the class, I learned immigration system in America. I was surprised that some people who want to immigrate draw lots. It's funny and good system because everyone have a chance fairly. In America, immigration system become strict but I want to give a chance to immigrants because America is made by immigrants. Some immigrants are important with their own roots and cultures. So, old cultures of all the world remain in America.

スペイン 1年


I was surprised at the number of immigrants in the U.S. I didn't know that. I heard that 33% of them are from Latin America and I want to the U.S. more than before because I am studying Spanish in the university. Japan has less immigrants than the U.S. So we can't have many opportunities to communicate with foreigners. I envy such surroundings. I want Japan to become a more international country. Thank you for your lecture!!

フランス 1年


I learned about the history of immigrants to the U.S. from today's lecture. I know the word "Melting Pot" means that there are many immigrants from different countries, but today I exactly understand the history and details the expression indicates. That means, immigrants have experienced such a terrible time as restricted strictly by law or considered as a cause to destroy the country. However, I'm glad to hear that Americans have positive images toward immigrants generally today. I hope the problem of immigrants will disappear and they can live equally and happily in the future.

スペイン 1年


I've known the word "immigration" but I didn't know the detail. There are too many things I don't know well, even about Japan.―history, politics, economy, etc. I have little information and interest in politics. It's important to know the situation of my own country when we learn other countries so I have to study more.

国際関係 1年

TITLE : The USA and immigrant issues

I still want to hear more about the USA―the country I now miss the most. Once I really thought about going to college in the USA but I gave up because of "financial" problems. But now I think that if I don't start, who would do it? I love America, so I was so sad to hear the decline of Japanese students going to America. Maybe after or even while I'm in this university, I am surely going to study nutrition(I want to get the license of a supplement advisor) in the USA. I was so happy to hear his talk about America. I love it.

スペイン 3年

TITLE : Immigration in the U.S.

It was a very interesting topic which I think is overlooked on a daily basis but widely debated in political debates. Immigration in the US or any part of the world is very complicated in my opinion and information about it should be given freely to the public. I believe there is a huge number of people in the US, who are illegal immigrants that are excluded from benefits, or I should say their rights to higher education, health care, pension etc. I think the govt. of the USA, especially their congress should discuss this issue more often.

英米 2年


I've been so interested in the U.S. , since I was child, so today's lecture was very interesting to me. The U. S. has so many kinds of races, and he said that many people have positive opinion about immigrants. I think it's great. I really really want to go to the U.S. to study English. I want to do working holiday, but the U.S. doesn't have that system, so I'm disappointed about that.

国際関係 1年


After listening to his presentation I think Japan should receive more immigrants, because of the declining birth rate and aging population. Perhaps there will occur some problems but I think we should manage to control it. In addition, we should compete with foreign people to develop our society.

英米 4年


As a student of the Department of British and American Studies, since I belong to the Department of British and American studies, I am very glad to hear about America as a country itself directly from an American citizen. He mentioned to us about the presidential Election coming next November and told us what the candidates want to do. I also learned a lot of useful expressions that can be used in an easy conversation such as "got me interested" and "you put your finger on a number of problems" I really enjoyed a lot.

中国 2年


I know that there are many immigrants in the U.S. and I also know the U.S. is called a "Melting Pot" or "Salad Bowl" or by other names. But, I don't know many Asian, especially Chinese, immigrated into U.S. very much. My major is China, so I'm interested in this part of today's lecture. And I understand immigrants have big influence on bad parts and good parts.

国際関係 1年


I was surprised that over 6 milllion immigrants are illegal, but I was happy to hear many ordinary American people welcome foreign people. We have many problems and they make us difficult to go abroad to study. I want to find many ways which is best for me.

英米 1年


I was glad that he really loves Japan. I think San Luis Obispo's nature is beautiful. I want to eat strawberries in California. I didn't know that this year is an important one because there will be a U.S. Presidential Election in November. I want Obama to become it again. I don't know Romney at all, Obama must fix the broken immigration system. There are people from all different cultures, as a "Melting Pot" in the United States. I can't imagine the situation because we don't have in Japan. I want them to live together peacefully. I was sad that they excluded immigrants from Asia and Africa.



Until I listened to your speech, I've never thought about America is immigration. And I'm glad to know about America. As for America, immigration is one of the major problems and 1880 to 1924, largely from southern and eastern Europe, also China, others could immigrate into America, but Asia, Africa were excluded. So, I want to survey about it and know the relation between America and Japan. It was a little difficult for me, but I want to study it. Also, I was surprised than there are 15 Japanese Consulates in America. Someday I want to visit them. Thank you for coming here and your wonderful lecture.

スペイン 1年


My father works for SONY, so I used to live in San Diego until a few years ago. San Diego was full of people from many many countries, so today's topic was very familiar and interesting to me. When my father had business trips to Mexico, he told me about many Mexicans crossing the border into California to work, of course, illegally. In Japan, immigrants from Brazil or small islands in the east like the Philippines, do the same thing. I bet it's not an uncommon things in many countries, and although it's obviously against the law, I feel that the point that people from different countries can communicate and interact with each other is a good thing. We can have new ideas, information, knowledge about things happening in the world. Thank you so much for coming today! I had a very good time!!
