
愛知県立大学 特別講義 英語連続セミナー




講師 安原 雅之(愛知県立芸術大学音楽学部准教授)
演題 Moscow Diary


国際関係 1年


I love music, especially old rock music. And, I believe in music power. In this lecture, Mr. Yasuhara spoke about the Russian Revolution and other social circumstances, which means that society has effects on music. And I think music is related to literature. Although, I cannot explain correctly, I've heard that some of the greatest musicians are influenced by great literature, and some greatest writers are affected by good music. I think that Isaka Koutarou, Japanese writer is one of them. By the way, do you wonder why I love Rock music, especially old types? Though I told you that I love Rock music, I like Punk Rock music from around the 1970s. My father told me about that music, and it's my foundation. When I write something, I tend to concern myself about those music spirits without any consciousness. To tell the truth, I also love writing. I'd like to polish my writing skill up. In my case, today's lecture had lots of merits. When I was in high school, I often listened to classical music. I want to listen to it again.

国際関係 1年


When I heard the music, I knew most of them. I think they are pretty famous all over the world. I don't know so many names of song and writers, but I've heard of them so many times in my life and I think that's why I got the feeling of having heard of them before. I believe this is the great point of music. Music is so close to our life and even we are not so interested in the music, we get opportunities to hear the music in daily life. For example, when we go shopping, there is music played in the stores, and when we go to a great restaurant in a hotel, we'll hear some relaxing music. We don't need to make certain efforts to know famous music and I believe that's why music spreads so widely all over the world.

スペイン 1年


The Soviet and the U.S.A., I think Mr. Yasuhara did realize they were the very different societies at that time. I have never studied in either country but the U.S.A. is much closer for us these days. So, I had only a bad image for Russia.
I met some Russian friends in Spain. Some of them told me about their hard life there. But today I could see the good side of this country and I'm happy about it. All the music that Mr. Yasuhara played was so nice, thank you. Especially, the PV of “Go West” by Pet Shop Boys is my favorite.

国際関係 1年


Actually, I don't know specifically about music, but we always hear music anywhere and anytime. In the station, in the store, our homes and even when we are in the forest we hear Nature music. I mean we hear animal voices, the sound of wind, etc. That why I concluded that music is also part of our lives and couldn't be separated from us.

英米 1年


Tchaikovsky is one of my favorite composers, and I love his lovely passages.
Moscow Conservatory has produced many excellent musicians including Japanese. I'm impressed that the Soviet Union made a great contribution in music regardless of its hard and difficult situation.
The anthems were often heard in the Olympic Games. I'm surprised that “Go West” has similar phrases.

フランス 1年


Today's lecture is very fresh for me because I have never studied about Russia and Russian history. I am interested in world history, especially European history, and many European countries have a relationship with Russia. So it is very important to know Russian history, economy, society, and culture in order to understand world history well. I think so. And moreover, through this lecture, I can be interested in Russia!!

英米 4年


The Russian music is the unknown world to me, and it was very interesting because every time we know a new thing, it is usually accompanied with joy. Today I learn that when we listen to foreign countries' music, the knowledge about the history, culture and so on about the country make us understand the music deeply. I really envy today's lecturer because he explained the big event of the Russian history. Through English seminars, I came to notice that people who can find out or get interested in something which is never featured by anyone can be a specialist in that area. That is why I have to find something which may lead me to be a specialist.

情報 3年


Some music we heard today had quite unique melodies. I got a mysterious feeling. I thought it's interesting that each music has its historical background and should have despair and wishes of people in those days. The music describes the history and emotion. The music “Go West” is a representative. In that meaning, the music is much like a book or novel. I thought it'll be interesting to compare the music of different countries.

ドイツ 3年


I enjoyed learning about Russia and listening to a lot of music today. It was new for me to get to know how things in Russia were there at that time from listening and seeing their real life. It was also interesting to learn what kind of messages were there behind the music “Go West.” I always find Russia very unique and exotic because I think Russian culture is mixed with Europe and Middle East in some way. And the Russian arts, for example, a curious shape of chandelier was also very attractive to me.

フランス 1年


After I heard Zavod [Iron Factory], I imagined a war and I was afraid. I have never heard the song “Soviet/ Russian Anthems.” I like this national anthem. I feel this song is calm and soft. I'm surprised at the strange score. I wondered “Is it a song?”
