
愛知県立大学 特別講義 英語連続セミナー




講師 Kevin Steinbach(愛知県庁国際課)
演題 The JET Programme and Internationalization


英米 2年


I learned about JET (Japan Exchange & Teaching Programme) for the first time. It was interesting for me. He said “Be bold, Persevere, Be loving, and Broaden your perspective”. I think these sayings are very important for me because I study about Britain & America. Especially first I should know about Japanese culture. I don't know so much, besides I cannot explain about them to foreign people. So I should study hard about Japanese culture, after that I want to know about foreign culture.

フランス 1年


I have thought that I have only a way to tell something to another people. The way is growing English speaking, hearing, writing skills. But it doesn't. I learned “English is a tool of internationalization, but not essential. Many things can be shared with little or no language”. I shouldn't depend on language. (Of course, I should study English more!) I also use gestures, signs, and expressions, and so on. Communication tool is not one way. There are several ways to explain my opinion. I want to be bold and I want to have a broaden my perspective!

フランス 1年


I haven't known the system, JET program until I attend this class. So I'm interested in this speech. I'm surprised that Hokkaido and Hyogo accept too many JET. I noticed for the first time that Internationalization have two ways, Change and Sharing. By now, I have thought we Japanese have received foreign things since Meiji era, but we share the culture, for example Karaoke, Sushi・・・. It was my new view point. And at the last question corner, the reason why we call the friendship cities the sister cities is interesting to me. I felt the connection between English and French that I learn now. Language is changing.

英文 4年


Today's lecture reminded me of my friends who I met in Canada. Before I went to Canada, actually I didn't have good feeling toward Chinese and Korean people because anti-Japanese feeling in China and Korea was often reported according to the media. However, I realized that I shouldn't have been misled by preconceived notions. All my friends who come from China, Korea and other countries are always really nice to me, so we could become close friends and we keep in touch after coming back to each countries. As he said during today's lecture, I shouldn't have any negative preconceived ideas about someone who come from a different country from me. I ought to be bold!

英米 1年


Kevin Steinbach was the youngest speaker so far, he is only 25 and came to Japan 2 years ago, from Chicago, US. He is working as a Jet programmer (Japan Exchange & Teaching). In Japan there are about 300JET's. 13 in Aichi, (he's one of them) 225 in Hokkaido and 189 in Hyogo. They came to Japan to get the Japanese people to interact with foreigners. He had to do paper work and interview. The Jet's don't have a choice of placement. He makes translations, interpretations and etc. In his opinion, it's easier to make translations because you can have time to think about the best word and you have a dictionary with you, but he thinks that to interpret is stressful but exciting at the same time. He talked about things that were brought to Japan from the western, for example, Valentine's Day and White Day, but they don't have that in the U.S. At the same time, there are things in the U.S from Japan. Karaoke (but they say “Karaoki”), Sushi and animes. He told that the best way to contribute to internationalization is to sit and talk with foreigners, tell them your ideas and points of view and listen to theirs. Many things can be shared with little or no language, for example with gestures, pointing or smiling. If you live a life, more aware with people around you, you'll realize that everybody is different. One more time I realized that English is a tool of internationalization.

英米 1年


That was a really good lecture, I enjoyed listening to it. Today, I learned how important the communication is and to share our opinions. I agree that it's important to have my own idea but also to listen to other people's idea. It may help having another new idea for myself and able to have a winder view of seeing or thinking. Working in a foreign country like Mr. Kevin is kind of my dream and I was really interested in JET Programme. I'm thinking that I want to use English for my job so I thought I should start doing something from now on. And I should be more positive of studying English. Of course I'm thinking of studying abroad but I should find something that I can do in Japan first. Fortunately I have many foreign friends all over the world including Japan and have many chances to communicate with foreigners. I think I should keep in touch with them, keep studying, and do my best what I can do for my future. I learned it's really important that we TRY doing anything. I will never forget to try to do my best anytime for anything.

英米 1年

TITLE:The JET Programme and Internationalization.

I was surprised at his age! Twenty five years old!? I can't believe that the difference of age between him and me is only six years! That's because he had unshaken his own ideas. He taught me a lot of things. For example, he told us the importance to be bold and to think about individuals not group. In addition, an surprising thing he told us was “English is not essential”. Until now, speakers told us about the importance of English in international world, so I was shocked. However, listening to his lecture, I am convinced by his opinion. In this lecture, I had a wonderful time. Thank you very much!!

フランス 1年


I was impressed by today's lecture. Kevin is 25 years old, and the youngest person who has spoken in this lecture. But, he has a broad and world-wide perspective. He knows and thinks well about internationalization. I'm convinced of what he thought, in two ways, that is, that of Change and that of Sharing. And, I learned about the role of individualization in internationalization. I also want to be an international person. P.S. I was nervous to question, but I was able to have a good experience.

スペイン 1年


I am really interested in the JET program but there is one problem. I like foreign countries and its cultures. However, I always become nervous when I speak other languages. This is because I can't speak it well like a native speaker. I know it is natural because I am Japanese. How can I speak English well? I don't want to say, but I always say when I speak with foreign friends for the first time “Sorry, I'm not good at English…”. How can I break this border?

英米 2年


The term “Internationalization” sounds like a huge movement in the world, but as Kevin said, I also think it is made of individual's change. I was moved by his words “language is not essential. Don't be caught up.” I just remembered the time in Ireland, where I could not speak English at first, but could somehow communicate with Irish people. Moreover, the words “Think from outside perspectives” impressed me. Japan is an island and maybe it's a bit difficult for us to think that way. For that reason we Japanese should “open up” our hearts and become international people like Kevin.

英米 4年


Everytime I attend these English lectures, I really realized my English is poor. Kevin is a member of the JET program. There are two types of JET (Japan Exchange & Teaching Program), Assistant Language Teacher and Coordinator for International Relationship. I knew ALT, but didn't know CIR. Unfortunately, due to my English poorness, I couldn't understand what CIR actually does for internationalization in detail. However, I'm really interested in “sharing culture”. Valentine's Day culture came from the West, but Japan made White Day originally. Moreover, in the U.S. Sushibars and karaoke, which are Japanese cultures, are popular. Internationalization ≒ Change. The first change occurs in our hearts. To internationalize myself, I must take away stereotypes, be bold, persevere, be loving, and broadening our perspectives.

英米 4年


I was thinking of giving up studying English, because I could not feel my English skill was improving, but I realized that I could improve my English skill and there are some ways to improve it after his speech. What I can do is to tell how I feel and listen to how my friends feel. I tried to talk with my foreign friends but I didn't talk about my feelings and my opinions so much. Now, I know how to improve my English skill so I'll try these things from today! Thank you for the wonderful speech!

ドイツ 3年


Today in Kevin's wonderful presentation, I remembered some of the things that I kept in mind when I was abroad and was able to make sure that I was right. Especially I think that getting rid of your own stereotype is the best way to get close to one another and that is what Kevin also thinks. When I studied abroad, I saw everyone as the same human, doesn't matters where they come from, what their skin colours are, their religions etc. I made a lot of friends from all over the world and that made my stay abroad exciting and unforgettable. Keeping what he said today in mind and I would like to broaden my perspectives and be more international.

英文 4年


As mentioned in his speech, Internationalization can make the world small and make people have fewer stereotypes. “Be bold” is the great message for future internationalized people, which means us. We can get to know each other only when we communicate with him/her. One thing I would have liked to add was the story of Ms. Taylor Anderson, who was an ALT in the JET program and passed away in the Earthquake. A foundation was established under her name by her parents for further improvements of the relationship between the U.S. and Japan.

英文 4年


Thank you for your lecture! Today's topic, Be bold, loving and persevere… was very interesting to me because I'm going to America this Christmas and will stay at a host family's house for 10 days. Actually, I studied English in Canada for 1 year, but at the time, I was very shy (maybe because of my poor English) and couldn't have open attitude to Canadians. I have Canadian friends, of course, but they are quite few. So, this time I'll be bold and want to talk to a lot of American people! In the café, market, on the street, of course in my host family's house. I'll be always bold and loving to the people who will be around me and make a lot of American friends! I'm so excited! Thank you for your lecture!
