
愛知県立大学 特別講義 英語連続セミナー



講師 横田 幸雄、Robert Edmunds、宮浦 国江
演題 Introduction


ドイツ 3年


I'm very happy to have an opportunity to listen to a lot of interesting guests who work in English as that's what I would like to do in the future. I hope I can get useful tips from them and use them when I have to choose a job and work someday. I am looking forward to the next English seminar.

英米 2年


I'll talk in this class to improve my English. After the explanation given by the speakers about this class material and scope, I have high expectation of my English skill progress. I think this class is going to be interesting because we will have a different lecturer each week from different institutions.

国際関係 2年


Rob's story about his hobby was interesting. At first, I guessed his hobby was climbing mountains or traveling but it was bird watching. I haven't ever met a person whose hobby is bird watching. So his story was interesting. His sketch was so cute. I'm try to find the birds on campus.

英米 1年

TITLE : Birding

Today, Rob talked about one of his hobbies, which is "birding" as they say in England. He told that there are about 64 bird species at our campus. During this summer vacation when he was cycling he saw a very rare bird. As the bird wasn't in his city, he waited for the bird to fly to his city, so he would be able to write in his notebook as "found in Gifu city". He was very glad.

フランス 1年


This course looks fun. I chose this course to practice English. So I think that I will be a good English speaker after this course. I will do my best!!

国際関係 1年


It was fun to guess Rob's hobby and listen to his stories. I'm looking forward to having the next lecture. It would be good listening practice for me, too. I think it's really important to know what's going on in this world and think about the big international problems. I'm glad to get the opportunity to learn about that. Examples of pronunciation were interesting. I have been to the U.S., but I didn't know about it!

国際関係 1年


I'm in this class because I want to listen to native speaker's English. I also want to know English in business. I'm a reternee student. I lived in Hong Kong. So, I'm familiar with British English but I want to try to become familiar with American English, too. Moreover, I want to practice writing. I'm good at speaking more than writing because I'm not so good at grammar. I'm looking forward to having this class.

英文 4年


Thank you for the instruction today. I agree that we Japanese have our own Japanese English and should not hesitate to speak it. Seeing the international Journals that was written by Mr.Yokota, I am sure that many of us were impressed and even encouraged. I have lived in the U.S. and worked for Japanese consulate for two years and just came back to Japan. Accordingly, my most interested lecture is the one which will be held on 11/17 by Mr.Wheeler, President of Nagoya American Ctr. I look forward to talking the next lecture. Thank you.

英米 2年


Mr.Yokota said that you should practice English in forced condition, not at "my pace", but I think "my pace" is also important. If I like something and I am motivated, it is easy to learn about it. Therefore loving something , as Rob loves bird watching, is very important, and you can improve your skill when you have energy, so though a forced condition sometimes helps us, the most important thing is studying or practising actively!

英米 1年


I enjoyed today's lecture. I had heard the word "bird watching" but I hadn't understood it enough. But today's lecture interested me in the birds. I haven't known that there are a lot of birds so I was so surprised. I want to try to watch the birds carefully when I find them in this university.

フランス 1年

TITLE : Today's seminar

This presentation was very very enjoyable for me. At first, I was little worried about whether I can understand what they say correctly, however, they tried to speak easily, so I could understand. I'm very much looking forward to participating in the next class. Thank you very much.

フランス 1年


I enjoyed today's lecture. I was excited. My English is very poor, so I want to practice in order to improve it highly. In today's lecture, Mr. Edmunds is a good man, and I and all in my class enjoyed and laughed. I'd like to do bind watching. Thank you very much.

スペイン 1年


SPEAK English is possible. Thank you very much for the interesting story, Mr. Yokota. It was very easy for me to understand your English even some words were difficult to listen for me. I'm not a major in English but I have always wanted to speak it as a tool to communicate with my friends. Also, I prepare to study abroad, so it is necessary to practice as you say. I'm very happy and glad with you to open this perfect class for us. I will not forget your message that English is not too difficult.

国際関係 1年


I haven't seen Rob since the last writing class in first semester, so I'm really glad that he was here to talk. I'm looking forward to having the next lecture. I can't wait! I think this class is really good for me to practice speaking and listening in English. I really want to have confidence in my speaking skill. So I'll do my best, and I want to have fun in this class.
